c# - Add endpoint to Sitefinity site -

i have endpoint want add sitefinity installation. essentially, i'm going call api , return json ajax call page.

i figure can create blank template , custom widget that, since have experience creating sitefinity mvc widgets.

there less wrong way though. can somehow (without more work creating blank theme , custom widget in cms) create one-off c# page publicly accessible?

i think talking classic mvc mode

1) can define route in global.asax

protected void application_start(object sender, eventargs e) {     bootstrapper.initialized += bootstrapper_initialized; }  void bootstrapper_initialized(object sender, telerik.sitefinity.data.executedeventargs e) {     if (e.commandname == "bootstrapped")     {         system.web.mvc.routecollectionextensions.maproute(system.web.routing.routetable.routes,          "classic",          "customprefix/{controller}/{action}/{id}",          new { controller = "feature", action = "index", id = (string)null }         );     } } 

2) create normal mvc controller views , models

3) access url http://localhost/customprefix/{controller}/{action}/{id}


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