php - Doctrine Query Builder Error on Join: [Syntax Error] line 0, col 87: Error: Expected Literal, got 'JOIN' -

i building shipping system ecommerce site using doctrine. have appropriate shipping methods , prices based on product , region data in checkout.

i using following code querybuilder:

        $shippingpricereccords              = $this->em->createquerybuilder()             ->select('price')             ->from('ordershippingprice', 'price')             ->innerjoin('ordershippingmethod', 'method', 'price.fkordershippingmethod =')             ->innerjoin('ordershippingmethodregionmapping', 'map', 'map.fkordershippingmethod =')             ->where('price.fkproducttype = :fkproducttype')             ->andwhere('price.fkbrand = :fkbrand')             ->andwhere('map.fkregion = :fkregion')             ->setparameters([                 'fkproducttype' => $fkproducttype,                  'fkbrand' => $fkbrand,                 'fkregion' => $regionid,             ])             ->getquery()             ->setfetchmode("ordercart", "address", \doctrine\orm\mapping\classmetadata::fetch_eager)             ->getresult(); 

but failing , giving me error:

[syntax error] line 0, col 87: error: expected literal, got 'join' 

the dql above query:

select price ordershippingprice price inner join ordershippingmethod method inner join ordershippingmethodregionmapping map price.fkproducttype = :fkproducttype , price.fkbrand = :fkbrand , map.fkregion = :fkregion 

ordershippingprice contains:

<?php  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use doctrine\common\collections\collection; use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection;  /**  * ordershippingprice  *  * @orm\table(name="ordershippingprice")  * @orm\entity  */ class ordershippingprice  {     /**      *       *  normal string / int object data      *       */      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="identity")      */     private $id;      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="fkordershippingmethod", type="integer", nullable=true)      */     private $fkordershippingmethod = '0';         /**      * @var float      *      * @orm\column(name="price", type="float", precision=7, scale=2, nullable=false)      */     private $price = '0.00';      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="fkproducttype", type="integer", nullable=true)      */     private $fkproducttype = '0';      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="fkbrand", type="integer", nullable=true)      */     private $fkbrand = '0';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="isexpeditable", type="string", length=16, nullable=false)      */     private $isexpeditable = '0';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="expeditedescription", type="text", length=65535, nullable=false)      */     private $expeditedescription = '';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="showliftgateoption", type="string", length=16, nullable=false)      */     private $showliftgateoption = '0';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="showdestinationoption", type="string", length=16, nullable=false)      */     private $showdestinationoption = '0';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="productnotavailable", type="string", length=16, nullable=false)      */     private $productnotavailable = '0';      /**      *       *  relationship managment propperties      *       */      /**      * many ordershippingprices have 1 ordershippingmethod.      * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="ordershippingmethod", fetch="eager")      * @orm\joincolumn(name="fkordershippingmethod", referencedcolumnname="id")      **/     private $ordershippingmethod;      /**      * orderordershippingmethod      *      * @return ordershippingmethod      */     public function getordershippingmethod()     {         return $this->ordershippingmethod;     }      /**      *       *  normal string / int getters , setters      *       */      /**      * id      *      * @return int      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * set fkordershippingmethod      *      * @param string $fkordershippingmethod      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setfkordershippingmethod($fkordershippingmethod)     {         $this->fkordershippingmethod = $fkordershippingmethod;          return $this;     }      /**      * fkordershippingmethod      *      * @return string      */     public function getfkordershippingmethod()     {         return $this->fkordershippingmethod;     }      /**      * set price      *      * @param string $price      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setprice($price)     {         $this->price = $price;          return $this;     }      /**      * price      *      * @return string      */     public function getprice()     {         return $this->price;     }      /**      * set fkproducttype      *      * @param string $fkproducttype      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setfkproducttype($fkproducttype)     {         $this->fkproducttype = $fkproducttype;          return $this;     }      /**      * fkproducttype      *      * @return string      */     public function getfkproducttype()     {         return $this->fkproducttype;     }      /**      * set fkbrand      *      * @param string $fkbrand      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setfkbrand($fkbrand)     {         $this->fkbrand = $fkbrand;          return $this;     }      /**      * fkbrand      *      * @return string      */     public function getfkbrand()     {         return $this->fkbrand;     }      /**      * set isexpeditable      *      * @param string $isexpeditable      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setisexpeditable($isexpeditable)     {         $this->isexpeditable = $isexpeditable;          return $this;     }      /**      * isexpeditable      *      * @return string      */     public function getisexpeditable()     {         return $this->isexpeditable;     }      /**      * set expeditedescription      *      * @param string $expeditedescription      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setexpeditedescription($expeditedescription)     {         $this->expeditedescription = $expeditedescription;          return $this;     }      /**      * expeditedescription      *      * @return string      */     public function getexpeditedescription()     {         return $this->expeditedescription;     }      /**      * set showliftgateoption      *      * @param string $showliftgateoption      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setshowliftgateoption($showliftgateoption)     {         $this->showliftgateoption = $showliftgateoption;          return $this;     }      /**      * showliftgateoption      *      * @return string      */     public function getshowliftgateoption()     {         return $this->showliftgateoption;     }      /**      * set showdestinationoption      *      * @param string $showdestinationoption      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setshowdestinationoption($showdestinationoption)     {         $this->showdestinationoption = $showdestinationoption;          return $this;     }      /**      * showdestinationoption      *      * @return string      */     public function getshowdestinationoption()     {         return $this->showdestinationoption;     }      /**      * set productnotavailable      *      * @param string $productnotavailable      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setproductnotavailable($productnotavailable)     {         $this->productnotavailable = $productnotavailable;          return $this;     }      /**      * productnotavailable      *      * @return string      */     public function getproductnotavailable()     {         return $this->productnotavailable;     } } 

ordershippingmethod contains:

use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use doctrine\common\collections\collection; use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection;  /**  * ordershippingmethod  *  * @orm\table(name="ordershippingmethod")  * @orm\entity  */ class ordershippingmethod  {     /**      *       *  normal string / int object data      *       */      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="identity")      */     private $id;          /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="name", type="text", length=255, nullable=false)      */     private $name = '';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="carrier", type="string", length=32, nullable=false)      */     private $carrier = '';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="bvcode", type="string", length=32, nullable=false)      */     private $bvcode = '';      /**      * @var string      *      * @orm\column(name="trackingurl", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)      */     private $trackingurl = '';      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="minimumleadtime", type="integer", nullable=false)      */     private $minimumleadtime = '0';      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="maximumleadtime", type="integer", nullable=false)      */     private $maximumleadtime = '0';      /**      *       *  relationship managment propperties      *       */      /**      * @orm\onetomany(targetentity="ordershippingmethodregionmapping", mappedby="ordershippingmethod", cascade={"persist", "remove"}, orphanremoval=true, fetch="eager")      * @var ordershippingmethodregionmappings[]      **/     public $ordershippingmethodregionmappings;      /**      * constructor      *      * create array collection of ordershippingmethodregionmappings      */     public function __construct()     {         $this->ordershippingmethodregionmappings = new arraycollection();     }      /**      * ordershippingmethodregionmapping(s)      *      * @return array      */     public function getordershippingmethodregionmappings()     {         return $this->ordershippingmethodregionmappings;     }      /**      *       *  normal string / int getters , setters      *       */      /**      * id      *      * @return int      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * set name      *      * @param int $name      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setname($name)     {         $this->name = $name;          return $this;     }      /**      * name      *      * @return int      */     public function getname()     {         return $this->name;     }      /**      * set carrier      *      * @param string $carrier      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setcarrier($carrier)     {         $this->carrier = $carrier;          return $this;     }      /**      * carrier      *      * @return string      */     public function getcarrier()     {         return $this->carrier;     }      /**      * set bvcode      *      * @param string $bvcode      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setbvcode($bvcode)     {         $this->bvcode = $bvcode;          return $this;     }      /**      * bvcode      *      * @return string      */     public function getbvcode()     {         return $this->bvcode;     }      /**      * set trackingurl      *      * @param string $trackingurl      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function settrackingurl($trackingurl)     {         $this->trackingurl = $trackingurl;          return $this;     }      /**      * trackingurl      *      * @return string      */     public function gettrackingurl()     {         return $this->trackingurl;     }      /**      * set minimumleadtime      *      * @param string $minimumleadtime      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setminimumleadtime($minimumleadtime)     {         $this->minimumleadtime = $minimumleadtime;          return $this;     }      /**      * minimumleadtime      *      * @return string      */     public function getminimumleadtime()     {         return $this->minimumleadtime;     }      /**      * set maximumleadtime      *      * @param string $maximumleadtime      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setmaximumleadtime($maximumleadtime)     {         $this->maximumleadtime = $maximumleadtime;          return $this;     }      /**      * maximumleadtime      *      * @return string      */     public function getmaximumleadtime()     {         return $this->maximumleadtime;     } } 

ordershippingmethodregionmapping contains:

<?php  use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; use doctrine\common\collections\collection; use doctrine\common\collections\arraycollection;  /**  * ordershippingmethodregionmapping  *  * @orm\table(name="ordershippingmethodregionmapping")  * @orm\entity  */ class ordershippingmethodregionmapping {     /**      *       *  normal string / int object data      *       */      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue(strategy="identity")      */     private $id;      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="fkordershippingmethod", type="integer")      */     private $fkordershippingmethod = '0';      /**      * @var int      *      * @orm\column(name="fkorderregion", type="integer")      */     private $fkorderregion = '0';      /**      *       *  relationship managment propperties      *       */      /**      * many ordershippingprices have 1 ordershippingmethod.      * @orm\manytoone(targetentity="ordershippingmethod", inversedby="ordershippingmethodregionmappings")      * @orm\joincolumn(name="fkordershippingmethod", referencedcolumnname="id")      **/     private $ordershippingmethod;      /**      * sets new ordershippingmethod , cleans previous 1 if set      * @param ordershippingmethod      */     public function setordershippingmethod(ordershippingmethod $ordershippingmethod)      {            $this->ordershippingmethod = $ordershippingmethod;     }      /**      * orderordershippingmethod      *      * @return ordershippingmethod      */     public function getordershippingmethod()     {         return $this->ordershippingmethod;     }      /**      *       *  normal string / int getters , setters      *       */      /**      * id      *      * @return int      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * set fkordershippingmethod      *      * @param int $fkordershippingmethod      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setfkordershippingmethod($fkordershippingmethod)     {         $this->fkordershippingmethod = $fkordershippingmethod;          return $this;     }      /**      * fkordershippingmethod      *      * @return int      */     public function getfkordershippingmethod()     {         return $this->fkordershippingmethod;     }      /**      * set fkorderregion      *      * @param int $fkorderregion      *      * @return ordercart      */     public function setfkorderregion($fkorderregion)     {         $this->fkorderregion = $fkorderregion;          return $this;     }      /**      * fkorderregion      *      * @return int      */     public function getfkorderregion()     {         return $this->fkorderregion;     } } 

can tell me doing wrong? help.

you missing argument in innerjoin method call. have :

$shippingpricereccords              = $this->em->createquerybuilder()             ->select('price')             ->from('ordershippingprice', 'price')             ->innerjoin('ordershippingmethod', 'method', 'with', 'price.fkordershippingmethod =')             ->innerjoin('ordershippingmethodregionmapping', 'map', 'with', 'map.fkordershippingmethod =')             ->where('price.fkproducttype = :fkproducttype')             ->andwhere('price.fkbrand = :fkbrand')             ->andwhere('map.fkregion = :fkregion')             ->setparameters([                 'fkproducttype' => $fkproducttype,                  'fkbrand' => $fkbrand,                 'fkregion' => $regionid,             ])             ->getquery()             ->setfetchmode("ordercart", "address", \doctrine\orm\mapping\classmetadata::fetch_eager)             ->getresult(); 

see documentation :

// example - $qb->innerjoin('', 'g', expr\join::with, $qb->expr()->eq('u.status_id', '?1')) // example - $qb->innerjoin('', 'g', 'with', 'u.status = ?1') // example - $qb->innerjoin('', 'g', 'with', 'u.status = ?1', '') public function innerjoin($join, $alias, $conditiontype = null, $condition = null, $indexby = null); 


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