excel - VBA copy lines between workbooks -

i'm looking ideas how to-do side task in exel. situation: have 2 workbooks- , b. need copy specific data b. data static - case ok, used code copying -

sub button399_click()     dim sutartis string     dim projektoid string     dim projektas string     dim aktas workbook      worksheets("aktas").select     sutartis = range("k4")     projektoid = range("k5")     projektas = range("e12")     set mydata = workbooks.open("*****")     worksheets("archyve").select     worksheets("archyve").range("a1").select     rowcount = worksheets("archyve").range("a1").currentregion.rows.count      worksheets("archyve").range("a1")         .offset(rowcount, 0) = sutartis         .offset(rowcount, 1) = projektoid         .offset(rowcount, 2) = projektas     end      mydata.save end sub 

second, need copy data each line , add b workbook static in every line. check list

in result, should this: result

waiting suggestions , ideas!

best regards

the following function retrieves data closed workbook. credit http://erlandsendata.no/?p=2106

private function getinfofromclosedfile(byval wbpath string, wbname string, wsname string, cellref string) variant     dim arg string     getinfofromclosedfile = vbnullstring     if right(wbpath, 1) <> "\" wbpath = wbpath & "\"     if dir(wbpath & wbname) = vbnullstring exit function     arg = "'" & wbpath & "[" & wbname & "]" & wsname & "'!" & range(cellref).address(true, true, xlr1c1)     'on error resume next     getinfofromclosedfile = executeexcel4macro(arg) end function 


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