php - View content of PHPSESSID variable/cookie based on its value -

when visiting website (not owned me) example has set phpsessid variable/cookie value 7er3hjkal8u235c87u6ih0vz8y, possible view content? tried print_r($_session); in console says 'referenceerror: print_r not defined' . if not possible directly view content, there way view traffic or contents stored/piped phpsessid? thank you.

you can't use print_r() in console, because console executing javascript, can't execute php functions in browser's console.

you can't view contents of session, because never passed browser.

when php creates session, (often times) sets cookie called phpsessid. value of cookie thing sent browser. value references on server (usually file containing serialized version of of session data). unless author of site explicitly writes session data out browser, browser never have access it.


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