android - How can I do the user select a picture in his gallery ? (xamarin forms) -
i try open gallery of devices in order user select photo , path...but stream returns null and, then, have exception because of that... don't know wrong can me? xamarin forms project, , testing using android. my main activity [activity(label = "neofly_montana", icon = "@drawable/icon", theme = "@style/maintheme", mainlauncher = false, configurationchanges = configchanges.screensize | configchanges.orientation)] public class mainactivity : { protected override void oncreate(bundle bundle) { tablayoutresource = resource.layout.tabbar; toolbarresource = resource.layout.toolbar; base.oncreate(bundle); global::xamarin.forms.forms.init(this, bundle); //inicializa imagecircle imagecirclerenderer.init(); //inicializa o mapa global::xamarin.formsmaps.init(this, bundle); loadapplication(new app()); } ...