php - lost current local language after login and after logout -

i can switch language of web site correctly when log in, lost current language in url. exemple before login http://test.bu/app_dev.php/en/admin/slideshow/ , after login have http://test.bu/app_dev.php/fr/admin/slideshow/ symfony2.7 takes locale: fr. use fosuserbundle. ggogled find can use bundles fix think can resolve editing confinguration. after login redirect web site default_target_path: slideshow_index this

app_slideshow:     resource: "@appbundle/resources/config/routing/slideshow.yml"     prefix:   /{_locale}/admin/slideshow 

this config.yml  imports:     - { resource: parameters.yml }     - { resource: security.yml }     - { resource: services.yml }  # put parameters here don't need change on each machine app deployed # parameters:     locale: fr  framework:     #esi: ~     translator: { fallback: %locale% }     secret: '%secret%'     router:         resource: '%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing.yml'         strict_requirements: ~     form: ~     csrf_protection: ~     validation: { enable_annotations: true }     #serializer: { enable_annotations: true }     templating:         engines: ['twig']     default_locale: '%locale%'     trusted_hosts: ~     trusted_proxies: ~     session:         # handler_id set null use default session handler php.ini         handler_id: ~     fragments: ~     http_method_override: true  # twig configuration twig:     debug: '%kernel.debug%'     strict_variables: '%kernel.debug%'  # doctrine configuration doctrine:     dbal:         driver: pdo_mysql         host: '%database_host%'         port: '%database_port%'         dbname: '%database_name%'         user: '%database_user%'         password: '%database_password%'         charset: utf8         # if using pdo_sqlite database driver:         #   1. add path in parameters.yml         #     e.g. database_path: '%kernel.root_dir%/data/data.db3'         #   2. uncomment database_path in parameters.yml.dist         #   3. uncomment next line:         #path: '%database_path%'      orm:         auto_generate_proxy_classes: '%kernel.debug%'         naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore         auto_mapping: true  # swiftmailer configuration swiftmailer:     transport: '%mailer_transport%'     host: '%mailer_host%'     username: '%mailer_user%'     password: '%mailer_password%'     spool: { type: memory } # app/config/config.yml fos_user:     db_driver: orm # other valid values 'mongodb' , 'couchdb'     firewall_name: main     user_class: gold\userbundle\entity\user     from_email:         address: "%mailer_user%"         sender_name: "%mailer_user%"    stackoverflow 

link of jms routing bundle

but before install please @ short video tutorial. tutorial helped me lot understand problem having between fos user bundle , locale in url.

if don't want install jms routing bundle composer.json file can install command php composer.phar require jms/i18n-routing-bundle "dev-master"

here config:

jms_i18n_routing:     default_locale: "%locale%"     locales: ["fr", "en"]     strategy: prefix_except_default 


firewalls:     main:         pattern: ^/         form_login:             provider: fos_userbundle             csrf_token_generator: security.csrf.token_manager             require_previous_session: false             login_path: fos_user_security_login             check_path: fos_user_security_check             default_target_path: your_route_name_homepage         logout:             path: fos_user_security_logout             target: your_route_name_homepage                 anonymous: true           access_control:              - { path: ^/login$, role: is_authenticated_anonymously && !is_authenticaded_fully  }              - { path: ^/register, role: is_authenticated_anonymously && !is_authenticaded_fully }              - { path: ^/resetting, role: is_authenticated_anonymously }              - { path: ^/admin/, role: role_admin } 

after having installed jms routing bundle. try execute commande debug/router (symfony 3) , watch routes names , prefix.


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