android - How to get a arraylist<bitmap> from gridview -

i setting shuffled arraylist in grid view after rearranging want arraylist in order there in gridview . used getchildat(position) returning view.

here code:

   (int = 0; < smallimages.size(); i++) {    //     arraylist<view>bh=new arraylist<>(9);         beforeshuffle.add(smallimages.get(i));       //  smallimageadapter ad=new smallimageadapter(c,beforeshuffle);       }       collections.shuffle(smallimages);     image_grid.setadapter(new smallimageadapter(this, smallimages));   //  image_grid.setadapter(new smallimageadapter());      image_grid.setnumcolumns((int) math.sqrt(smallimages.size()));     image_grid.setonitemclicklistener(new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() {         int counter = 0;         int firstclick;          @override         public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) {             counter++;             if (counter % 2 == 0) {                 firstclick = position;                 bitmap data1 = smallimages.get(position);              } else {                       bitmap swapimage = smallimages.get(position);                     smallimages.set(position, smallimages.get(firstclick));                     smallimages.set(firstclick, swapimage);                     image_grid.invalidateviews();               }           //  arraylist<view>h=new arraylist<view>(9);              (int i=0;i<smallimages.size();i++) {                 aftershuffle.set(i, smallimages.get(i));              }             }      }); 

this aftershulffle not in same order images place in grid view. when check


it returns false

you can use settag() , gettag() on view store custom class objects , ex: imageview.settag(person).

later can call person person = (person)getchildat(position).gettag()


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