r - filter tibble of tibbles by nrow -
i've tibble that
>dat # tibble: 556 × 3 sample run abc <chr> <chr> <list> 1 206_03_07_2013 21102016 <tibble [304 × 21]> 2 206_04_07_2017 7082017 <tibble [229 × 21]> 3 206_04_10_2015 25112015 <tibble [2,687 × 21]> 4 206_07_08_2013 15102015 <tibble [460 × 21]> 5 206_08_12_2016 3032017 <tibble [3,250 × 21]> 6 206_11_03_2014 21102016 <tibble [975 × 21]> 7 206_13_02_2013 21112016 <tibble [101 × 21]> 8 206_13_03_2013 21112016 <tibble [345 × 21]> 9 206_14_08_2014 8092016 <tibble [1,952 × 21]> 10 206_19_03_2015 25012016 <tibble [11 × 21]> # ... 546 more rows
the abc column contains tibble of different length. want filter dat tibble using length (>100 rows).
i :
but use dplyr phylosophy ? ideas ?
a way be:
library(dplyr) library(purrr) dat <- tribble( ~foo, ~bar, 1, as_tibble(head(iris, 3)), 2, as_tibble(head(iris, 7)) ) # # tibble: 2 x 2 # foo bar # <dbl> <list> # 1 1 <tibble [3 x 5]> # 2 2 <tibble [7 x 5]> res <- filter(dat, map_int(bar, nrow) > 5) # # tibble: 1 x 2 # foo bar # <dbl> <list> # 1 2 <tibble [7 x 5]> desired_output <- dat[sapply(dat$bar,nrow)>5,] identical(res, desired_output) # [1] true
there not added value here, compared tried, it's matter of using drop-in replacements [
, sapply
(with filter
, map_int
respectively). base r functions not incompatible so-called "dplyr
philosophy". if mean use of magrittr
pipe %>%
, dat %>% .[sapply(.$bar, nrow) > 5, ]
, dat %>% filter(map_int(bar, nrow) > 5)
work equally well.
note: prefer all.equal
on identical
couldn't make work:
all.equal(res, desired_output) # error in equal_data_frame(target, current, ignore_col_order = ignore_col_order, : # can't join on 'bar' x 'bar' because of incompatible types (list / list)
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