.net - How to run in main thread from worker thread that start by Nancyfx? C# -

i have problem using nancyfx in winform application (i make winform app , use nancyfx inside application) can use api url make change in winform without additional server or services (because attached nancy in winform apps)

here form1.cs

public partial class form1 : form  {      public form1(bool test)     {         initializecomponent();          textbox1.text += "apps method "+ environment.newline;      }      public bool starttestapi()     {         textbox1.text += "api worked" + environment.newline);     }      private void button2_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         hostingapi s = new hostingapi();         s.start();         textbox1.text += "api running" + environment.newline);     } }   public class modulecdm : nancymodule {      public modulecdm()     {         try         {             thread th2 = thread.currentthread;             get["/start"] = parameters =>             {                  form1 form = new form1(false);                 thread testthread = form1.curthread;                  bool res = form.starttestapi();                  if (res == true)                 {                     var feeds = new string[] { "success" };                     return response.asjson(feeds);                 }                 else                 {                     var feeds = new string[] { "failed" };                     return response.asjson(feeds);                 }             };     } } } 

and hostingapi.cs

public class hostingapi {     private nancyhost hostnancy;      private string hosturl;      public void start()     {         hosturl = configmodule.moduleaddress;          if (hosturl == null) hosturl = "http://localhost:5005";          hostnancy = new nancyhost(new uri(hosturl));          hostnancy.start();      }      public void stop()     {         hostnancy.stop();     } } 

and run without error, when call api (localhost:5005/start) textbox in winform apps not add text wanted ("api worked"). noticed because nancyfx create thread when there api call, , can use invoke/begininvoke because !invokerequired comes value false. how can access main thread or maybe solution update ui when call api.


you have 2 issues in here.

  1. you start host api service form1 instance within nancy module create different form1 instance invisible , try access methods within class

  2. cross thread issue rightfully guessed . trying write thread context ui thread

look @ code @ below achieve this. bear in mind can create singleton form or find way access instance of form1

  public class hostingapi     {         private nancyhost hostnancy;          private string hosturl;          public hostingapi()         {         }          public void start()         {             var hostconfig = new hostconfiguration             {                 urlreservations = new urlreservations                 {                     createautomatically = true                 },             };              //hosturl = configmodule.moduleaddress;              if (hosturl == null) hosturl = "http://localhost:5005";              hostnancy = new nancyhost(hostconfig,new uri(hosturl));              hostnancy.start();          }          public void stop()         {             hostnancy.stop();         }     }  public partial class form1 : form {     delegate void settextcallback(string text);     public static form1 instance;     public form1(bool test)     {         initializecomponent();          textbox1.text += "apps method " + environment.newline;         instance = this;      }         private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         hostingapi s = new hostingapi();         s.start();         textbox1.text += "api running" + environment.newline;     }     public void starttestapi()     {         settext("api worked" + environment.newline);     }      private void settext(string text)     {         if (this.textbox1.invokerequired)         {             settextcallback d = new settextcallback(settext);             this.invoke(d, new object[] { text });         }         else         {             this.textbox1.text += text;         }     } }    public class modulecdm : nancymodule     {         public modulecdm()         {             try             {                 thread th2 = thread.currentthread;                 get["/start"] = parameters =>                 {                     var form1 = form1.instance;                     form1.starttestapi();                     var feeds = new[] {"success"};                     return response.asjson(feeds);                 };             }             catch             {             }         }     } 
