angular2 aot - Angularjs AOT compilation ngfactory not found? -

i following study aot compilation in angularjs. aot compilation successfull not able access app in browser. showing following error:-

localhost/:18 error: (systemjs) xhr error (404 not found) loading http://localhost:3006/aot/src/app/app.module.ngfactory http://localhost:3006/main.js

it not able find app.module.ngfactory, there in aot generated directory.

main.ts file

import { platformbrowser }    '@angular/platform-browser'; import { appmodulengfactory }  '../aot/src/app/app.module.ngfactory';  platformbrowser().bootstrapmodulefactory(appmodulengfactory); 

have use angular-cli? if have, use : ng serve --aot/ ng build --aot run code. that's convenient


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