Google Cloud Speech service is down? -
the problem using v1 , latest @0.10.2. worked 6 months (even v1beta) until yesterday when randomly (and silently!) stops working. mean 1 call of streamingrecognize may go , recognition starts, second or third call of streamingrecognize don't receive input (and i'm getting you're streaming slow error). using same code!
and in recognition starts, quality low. leading wrong results.
the problem started occuring after releasing v1 beta, suppose, i'm not sure.
environment details
os: amazon linux 4.4.44-39.55.amzn1.x86_64 node.js version: v7.2.1 npm version: 3.10.10 using google-cloud/speech@0.10.2
the code:
var speech = require('@google-cloud/speech')({ credentials: require(_base + '/google_cloud_credential.json') }); self.recognizestream = speech.streamingrecognize({ config: { encoding: 'mulaw', sampleratehertz: 8000, languagecode: "ru-ru", }, singleutterance: false, interimresults: true }); self.istream.pipe(self.recognizestream) .on('error', function(err) { logger.error('google-speech error:', err); self.restartrecognizing(); //google bug: randomly crashes }) .on('end', function(err) { logger.trace('google-speech end:', err); }) .on('close', function(err) { logger.error('google-speech close: ', err); self.restartrecognizing(); //google bug: randomly crashes }) .on('data', function(data) { //logger.warn(data); require('tracer').setlevel('info'); if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].alternatives) logger.warn("isfinal: %s, conf: %s, stab: %s, trans: %s, delay=%s", data.results[0].isfinal, data.results[0].alternatives[0].confidence, data.results[0].stability, data.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript, number(self.thisdate-self.prevdate)); if(!self.islisteningemitted && data && data.results && data.results[0] && !data.results[0].isfinal) { self.islisteningemitted = true; self.emit('started_hearing_speech'); } if(data && data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].alternatives && !data.results[0].isfinal) { self.thisdate =; if(!self.prevdate) self.prevdate = self.thisdate; logger.debug("isfinal: %s, conf: %s, stab: %s, trans: %s, delay=%s", data.results[0].isfinal, data.results[0].alternatives[0].confidence, data.results[0].stability, data.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript, number(self.thisdate-self.prevdate)); self.prevdate = self.thisdate; if(self.timer) cleartimeout(self.timer); if(!self.isfired) self.timer = settimeout(self.onrecognizedtext.bind(self), 800, data.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript); } });
and there lot of errors in google cloud console: 30 days
also posted here:
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