javascript - Rockets are not changing direction after mutation -
i have problem machine learning stuff. after first gen rockets not mutating , follow same path. tried different ways solve can see neither of them work. wrote in tried on local. don`t see problem buti think in rocket constructor function.
var rockets = []; var bf = -1; var br; function setup() { createcanvas(windowwidth, windowheight); background(100); nostroke(); fill(255, 50); framerate(10); target = createvector(width, height / 2); (var = 0; < 10; i++) { rockets.push(new rocket()); } } function draw() { background(100); ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 40, 40); ellipse(width - 10, height / 2, 40, 40); (i = 0; < rockets.length; i++) { rockets[i].show(); //console.log(rockets[i].pos.y); if (!rockets[i].killed) { rockets[i].applyforce(); //it fittness counter inside } } //console.log(rockets); if (rockets[0].counter >= rockets[0].route.length) { findbest(); respawn(); } } function respawn() { var news = mutate(br); (var = 0; < 10; i++) { rockets.push(new rocket()); //console.log(rockets); rockets[i].route = news[i]; } } function findbest() { (var = 0; < rockets.length; i++) { //console.log(rockets[i].fittness); if (rockets[i].fittness > bf) { br = rockets[i].route; bf = rockets[i].fittness; } } rockets = []; } function mutate(arr) { var news = []; (var = 0; < 10; i++) { var temparr = arr; temparr[floor(random(arr.lenth))] = p5.vector.random2d().setmag(30); news.push(temparr); } return news; } function rocket(a) { this.pos = createvector(width / 2, height / 2); this.route = []; this.counter = 0; this.fittness = 0; this.killed = false; //console.log(a); if (!a) { (var = 0; < 20; i++) { this.route.push(p5.vector.random2d()); this.route[i].setmag(20); //console.log("!a"); // console.log(i); } } else { // not used this.route = a; // for(var = floor(random(a.length-1)); i<a.length; i++) { //console.log(this.route[i]); b = floor(random(this.route.length - 1)); console.log("before: ", this.route[b]); this.route[b] = p5.vector.random2d().setmag(30); //this.route[i].rotate(0.2*pow(-1, i)); console.log("after: ", this.route[b]); //} } //console.log(mutate(this.route)); this.applyforce = function() { if (this.counter == this.route.length - 1) { this.countfittness(); //console.log(this.fittness); this.killed = true; } this.pos.add(this.route[this.counter]); this.counter++; } this.countfittness = function() { this.fittness = 1 / this.pos.dist(target) * 100; //console.log(this.fittness); } = function() { ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 10, 10); } }
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nice code. seems there error in mutate function:
function mutate(arr) { var news = []; (var = 0; < 10; i++) { var temparr = arr; temparr[floor(random(arr.length))] = p5.vector.random2d().setmag(30); news.push(temparr); } return news; }
when use
var temparr = arr;
in javascript not copy of array. both arrays point same reference. when mutate 1 original mutates. way of routes rockets turn out same.
try ...
var temparr = arr.slice();
the slice() operation clones array , returns reference new array.
there small typo in same function. think should ...
temparr[floor(random(arr.length))] = p5.vector.random2d().setmag(30);
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