vb.net - Lucene Update not working Index Writer -

i have updated large application .net 4.0 .net 4.52 , has broken indexing , search functions have use lucene. updated latest nuget packages lucene , keep getting following errors. type 'lucene.net.index.indexwriter' not defined. type 'lucene.net.documents.document' not defined. type 'indexwriter' not defined. name few. search functions written developer not familiar looks may have moved namespaces when updated lucene 3.0.3 can't find updated to. appreciated! code example below references:

imports microsoft.windowsazure.storage.blob imports microsoft.windowsazure.storage imports lucene.net imports lucene.net.documents imports lucene.net.store  imports lucene.net.index imports lucene.net.analysis 

the lucene.net.store says doesn't contain public members.

example function says lucene.net.index.indexwriter not defined

 private function indexnewdocument(id string, savepath string, targetcontainer string, indexer lucene.net.index.indexwriter, b cloudblockblob) boolean     dim sw stopwatch = stopwatch.startnew      dim filename string = ""     dim dt datetime =      try         ' retrieve document , pull metadata reindexing         dim docreturn documentreturn = documentdownloadadapter.getdocument(_storageendpoint, _newdocumentcontainername, id)         filename = docreturn.filename         dt = docreturn.dateadded          ' blob reader indexing         dim docreader iblobdocumentreader = fileprocessor.getblobdocumentreader(docreturn.filebytes, docreturn.filename, savepath)          ' push index blob storage database         pushindexdocument(id, filename, dt, docreader, indexer)          sw.stop()         ondocumentindexsuccessful(id, filename, sw.elapsed)          return true     catch ex emptypdfexception         commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument", ex, "")          ' delete file new blob index         try             b.delete()         catch exdelete exception             commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument: problem deleting blob", exdelete, "")         end try          try             dim username string = getdocumentusername(targetcontainer, id)             emailadapter.sendexceptionemail(ex, getemaillist(configurationhelper.indexemailtolist), getemaillist(configurationhelper.indexemailcclist), username)         catch exemail exception             commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument: problem emailing exception", exemail, "")         end try          return false     catch ex invaliddocumenttypeexception         commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument", ex, "")          ' delete file new blob index         try             b.delete()         catch exdelete exception             commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument: problem deleting blob", exdelete, "")         end try          try             dim username string = getdocumentusername(targetcontainer, id)             emailadapter.sendexceptionemail(ex, getemaillist(configurationhelper.indexemailtolist), getemaillist(configurationhelper.indexemailcclist), username)         catch exemail exception             commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument: problem emailing exception", exemail, "")         end try          return false     catch ex exception         commoncodelib.errorreport("azurestorageaccountadapter.indexdocument", ex.tostring, "")         sw.stop()         ondocumentindexfailed(id, filename, sw.elapsed, ex)          return false     end try end function 


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