javascript - React js autofocus input field -

i created input, , want autofocus it.

when page loads, fake input div displayed , when user ckicks div real input focused. works fine. want autofocus , show keyboard.

i tried set autofocus , "trigger" focus on real input, on desktops works fine when test on mobile devices keyboard not appear.

i tried "trigger" click on fake input (div), , not work.

now when page loads looks this

should this

i don't know wrong.

here code:

import react, {component} 'react'; import proptypes 'prop-types'; import {field} 'redux-form'; import {rules} 'authcomponents/partials/validationrules'; import reactdom 'react-dom';  const renderfakeinputcontent = (that, type, meta) => {      // code not relevant issue         return content;     };  class reduxformpininput extends component {     renderfield = ({input, label, type, meta: {pristine, touched, error, warning, valid, dirty}}) => {          let fakeinputblurredclass = ' blurred';          let focusrealinput = () => {             this.textinput.focus(); // works fine mobile , desktop         };          let blurfake = () => {             this.fakeinput.classname = this.fakeinput.classname.replace(fakeinputblurredclass, '');         };          let simulatefocusonfake = () => {             this.fakeinput.classname += fakeinputblurredclass;         };          return (             <fieldset classname={"form-group "+ this.props.classname + ((error && dirty) ? ' pin-input-has-error' : "")}>                 <div ref={(fake) => { this.fakeinput = fake; }} classname="fake-pin-input no-margin"                     onclick={focusrealinput.bind(this)}                 >                     {renderfakeinputcontent(this, type, {pristine, touched, error, warning, valid, dirty})}                 </div>                 {dirty && error && <span classname="pin-input-error">{error}</span>}                 <div classname="pin-input-real-container">                     <input                     ref={(input) => { this.textinput = input && input.focus(); }}                     classname="pin-input-real"                     {...input}                     onfocus={simulatefocusonfake.bind(this)}                     onblur={blurfake.bind(this)}                     maxlength={this.props.maxlength}                     autocomplete="off"                     //autofocus={true}                     />                 </div>              </fieldset>         );     };      componentdidmount(){         let x = this.textinput;          // tried many combination of following code         x.focus();         x.blur();;         x.setselectionrange(0, x.value.length);     }      render() {          let validaterules =>{             if(rules.hasownproperty(rule)){                 return rules[rule];             }         });          return (             <field name={}                    type={this.props.type}                    component={this.renderfield}                    label={this.props.label}                    validate={validaterules}             />         )     } }   reduxformpininput.proptypes = {     classname: proptypes.string,     name: proptypes.string,     required: proptypes.bool,     validate: proptypes.array,     maxlength: proptypes.number, };  reduxformpininput.defaultprops = {     classname: '',     name: '',     validate: [],     required: true,     maxlength: 9999, };  export default reduxformpininput;   


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