php - Cannot read image files, css and script libraries using absolute and relative url -

from public_html folder redirecting domain specific folder load , view website. code written in php. root folder of website home/new/ folder of website contain index.php , assets.

i define root folder myroot.

in index.php have line of code.

$mypaths = explode('/', ltrim($parse_url['path'], '/'));         if($mypaths ['0']){     $mypaths ['0'] = "page";     if(file_exists($mypaths ['1'].'.php')){         $mybody = $mypaths ['1'].'.php';     }         else $mybody = myroot.'/home.php';  }else{     $mybody = myroot.'/home.php'; } include(myroot.'/header.php'); include($mybody ); include(myroot.'/footer.php'); 

header.php includes navigation of website , stylesheet linked. $mybody body of website show. footer.php footer of website.

from there, shows html code of site (no css style, no images!) tried change href link href="../assets/style.css" href="<?=myroot?>/assets/style.css" images. not image file , styles.

turning on display_errors not getting error, browser's debug tool have errors, including:

1.resource interpreted stylesheet transferred mime type text/html:

2.uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token < , uncaught referenceerror: $ not defined

why absolute , relative url's not working here?

additional info: have .htaccess contains

order allow,deny allow  options -indexes  <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on rewriterule ^index\.php$ - [l] rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewriterule . index.php?%{query_string} [l]  </ifmodule> 

i running website on server. pointing domain server's ip address using hosts file.


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