Copy table row and return insert ID on PHP Programming with Oracle Database -

i have problem returning inserted id when copying data auto increment id (php programming oracle database)

here code :

$sql = "insert z_tbl_ad_pp ppa (,ppa.orgid,ppa.vendorid,ppa.start_date,ppa.status)     select '',ppb.orgid,ppb.vendorid,ppb.start_date,'1'     z_tbl_ad_pp ppb'$ppid' returning id :id";  $stid = oci_parse($this->db_connect, $sql);  oci_bind_by_name($stid,":id",$id,-1,oci_b_int);  $r = oci_execute($stid);  $inserted_id=$id;  

here error message:

oci_execute(): ora-00933: sql command not ended


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