ios - Constraints and SubLayers(CALayer) not updating -

i have created left border in superview

...     var leftlayer: calayer?     override public func awakefromnib() {         super.awakefromnib()         self.leftlayer = calayer()         self.leftlayer?.bordercolor =         self.leftlayer?.borderwidth = 1         self.layer.addsublayer(self.leftlayer!) ... 

and in layoutsubviews try update border acording constraints:

... override public func layoutsubviews() {         super.layoutsublayers(of: layer)         leftlayer!.frame = cgrect(x: 0,                                   y: 0,                                   width: 1,                                   height: self.frame.size.height)  } ... 

but sub calayers not following top calayer/uiviews constraints . have seen this, unable add layers superview.

do know how have sub calayer follow constraints of containing uiview?

override view's frame property adjust sub layers frame:

override var frame: cgrect {     didset{         leftlayer!.frame = cgrect(x: 0,                                   y: 0,                                   width: 1,                                   height: self.frame.size.height)     } } 


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