selenium - CucumberJS tests passing even though it's not possible -

i'm trying convert old ruby tests (which used cucumber, phantomjs , capybara) javascript (using cucumber, phantomjs , selenium) project 100% node based , want remove ruby dependency.

when run tests, pass. problem is, i've not created conditions test pass yet pass impossible. i'm not sure i'm going wrong.

here world.js file:

var {definesupportcode} = require('cucumber'); var seleniumwebdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),     =,     until = seleniumwebdriver.until;  function customworld() {   this.driver = new seleniumwebdriver.builder()   .withcapabilities(seleniumwebdriver.capabilities.phantomjs())   .build()    // returns promise resolves element   this.waitforelement = function(locator) {     var condition = seleniumwebdriver.until.elementlocated(locator);     return this.driver.wait(condition)   } }  definesupportcode(function({setworldconstructor}) {   setworldconstructor(customworld) }); 

and here step definitions file:

require('dotenv').config(); var chalk = require('chalk'); var {definesupportcode} = require('cucumber'); var seleniumwebdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),     =,     until = seleniumwebdriver.until;  definesupportcode(function({ given, when, }) {    given(/^i show environment$/, function (next) {     console.log("running against:" + process.env.target_uri))     next()   })    when(/^i visit "(.*?)"$/, function (url) {     return this.driver.get(url);   })    then(/^i should on "([^"]*)"$/, function(page_name) {     this.driver.get(process.env.target_uri+'/'+page_name)     .then(function() {       return this.driver.getcurrenturl();     })   })    then(/^i should see "([^"]*)"$/, function (text) {     var xpath = "//*[contains(text(),'" + text + "')]";     var condition = seleniumwebdriver.until.elementlocated({xpath: xpath});     return this.driver.wait(condition, 5000);   }); }) 

the possible tests passing there are: when(/^i visit "(.*?)"$/... , given(/^i show environment$/...

for reference, here .feature file too:

feature: test global header works expected  scenario: header components should exist     given visit "/hello"     expect see ".c-logo-bar" element     , expect see ".c-search-bar" element     , expect see ".c-main-nav-bar" element 

any ideas i'm going wrong?


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