.net - Julian Date and Time to regular Date and Time -
i receiving julian date , time jde table as:
slupmj(date) | sltday(time) --------------------------- 116173 | 94959
i need convert them regular date , time values integrate application.
while able concert date part using custom code:
dcy = left(date1, 3) if left(dcy, 1) = "0" dyear = "19" & right(dcy, 2) else dyear = "20" & right(dcy, 2) end if dinterval = cint(right(date1, 3)) tdate = dateadd("d", dinterval - 1, "01/01/" & dyear) j2d2 = day(tdate) & "/" & month(tdate) & "/" & year(tdate)
how convert time part in vb.net
here's code convert time portion of julian datetime. there simpler way, coding should hard!™ :)
''' <summary> ''' converts time portion of julian datetime ''' </summary> ''' <param name="djdatetime">the julian datetime. example: 2457984.021181</param> ''' <returns>the time, formatted follows: d:hh:mm:ss.mmm</returns> function convertjuliantime(byval djdatetime decimal) string ' julian time calculated fraction of 24-hour period, starting noon. ' value >= .5 morning hour on next day ' fractional part of julian datetime, time dim djtime decimal = getfractionalpart(djdatetime) ' time in seconds dim djtimeinsec decimal = 86400 * djtime + 43200 ' 43200 half day in seconds ' calculate hours dim djtimeinhours decimal = djtimeinsec / 3600 ' if value >= 24, it's morning hour increment day value dim intday integer = 0 if djtimeinhours >= 24 djtimeinhours = djtimeinhours - 24 intday = 1 end if ' calculate minutes dim djtimeinhoursmin decimal = getfractionalpart(djtimeinhours) * 60 ' calculate seconds dim djtimeinhourssec decimal = getfractionalpart(djtimeinhoursmin) * 60 ' calculate milliseconds dim djtimeinhoursmsec decimal = getfractionalpart(djtimeinhourssec) * 1000 ' build result , display dim tsspan new timespan(intday, cint(math.truncate(djtimeinhours)), cint(math.truncate(djtimeinhoursmin)), cint(math.truncate(djtimeinhourssec)), cint(math.truncate(djtimeinhoursmsec))) return tsspan.tostring("d\:hh\:mm\:ss\.fff") end function ''' <summary> ''' given decimal, gets fractional part only. example, 1234.5678, returns 0.5678 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="dnumber">the decimal.</param> ''' <returns>the fractional part of decimal.</returns> function getfractionalpart(byval dnumber decimal) decimal dim dint decimal = math.truncate(dnumber) return (dnumber - dint) end function
end class
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