algolia integration formulaire symfony -

i looking integrate algolia search bar. able index elements without problem.

this form:

 public function searchaction(request $request)         {             $article = new article();             $form = $this->createformbuilder($article)                 ->add('title')                 ->getform()                 ;              if ($form->handlerequest($request)->isvalid()) {                 $this->get('algolia.indexer')->search(                     $this->getentitymanager(article::class),                     'adminbundle:article',                     'test');                 return $this-       >render('mainbundle:search:searchresults.html.twig', array(                     'article' => $article                 ));              }              return $this->render('@main/search/search.html.twig', array(                 'form' => $form->createview(),             ));          } 

the problem search not done, documentation not explicit enough.

who me? thank you


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