Why is autoprefixer not working (GULP) -

so works. @ file produced , gulp-autoprefixer has worked , can see -webkit on transitions , transforms.

gulp.task("admin-scss", () => {     $.fancylog("-> compiling admin .scss");     return gulp.src(pkg.paths.src.admin + pkg.vars.scssname)         .pipe($.plumber({             errorhandler: onerror         }))         .pipe($.sourcemaps.init({             loadmaps: true         }))         .pipe($.sass({                 includepaths: pkg.paths.scss             })             .on("error", $.sass.logerror))         .pipe($.cached("sass_compile"))         .pipe($.autoprefixer())         .pipe($.rename(pkg.vars.adminname))         .pipe($.cssnano({             discardcomments: {                 removeall: true             },             discardduplicates: true,             discardempty: true,             minifyfontvalues: true,             minifyselectors: true         }))         .pipe($.header(banner, {             pkg: pkg         }))         .pipe($.sourcemaps.write("./"))         .pipe($.size({             gzip: true,             showfiles: true         }))         .pipe(gulp.dest(pkg.paths.build.css)); }); 

but doesn't work. @ produced file , has no prefixes.

gulp.task("site-scss", () => {     $.fancylog("-> compiling site .scss");     return gulp.src(pkg.paths.src.scss + pkg.vars.scssname)         .pipe($.plumber({             errorhandler: onerror         }))         .pipe($.sourcemaps.init({             loadmaps: true         }))         .pipe($.sass({                 includepaths: pkg.paths.scss,                 sourcecomments: 'map',                 sourcemap: 'sass',                 outputstyle: 'expanded'             })             .on("error", $.sass.logerror))         .pipe($.cached("sass_compile"))         .pipe($.autoprefixer())         .pipe($.sourcemaps.write("./"))         .pipe($.size({             gzip: true,             showfiles: true         }))         .pipe(gulp.dest(pkg.paths.build.css)); }); 

can shed light on might going wrong?


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