java - Change compiledSdkVersion in Aide (Android) -

i learning how build android app using java. since don't have pc right now, using android phone mean time. using aide app.

i following project have no luck in building , running app.

dependencies { compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' compile '' } 

since dependencies of project on version 22.2.0, , built-in compiledsdkversion in aide 19 got error like:

'aapt: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name textappearance.appcompat.caption'

i searched why have error online , found out because compiledsdkversion , dependency versions i'm using doesn't coincide. try change compiled version 22 , change android.jar directory point new downloaded version in aide settings. downloaded jar file here

still got error. gives me new error in unknown entity 'r'. please me, cannot find resources fix this.


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