Angular 2 FormBuilder w/ Custom/Dynamic Validation loop -
i have form multiple fields affect validation of 1 another.
as simple example, let's take simple form cellno (cellphone number) , homeno (a home contact number).
both have validation applied them detecting validity of numbers themselves, however: if cellno entered - homeno field isn't required, and visa versa.
i implement subscription valuechanges of each field updates validators of each field based on formcontrol values of each, , calls updatevalueandvalidity() function.
by calling function however, triggers valuechanges subscription of each field, causing infinite loop.
what best way go achieving formbuilder?
edit 1: replicated issue in plunkr.
open console/devtools see looping output. function gets called repeatedly is:
updatephonevalidations() { console.log('updating validations'); let cellvalidators = [validators.pattern(this.phone_regex), validators.maxlength(25)]; if (this.inputform.controls.homeno.value.length === 0) { this.inputform.controls.cellno.setvalidators([...cellvalidators, validators.required]); } else { console.log('removing cellno'); this.inputform.controls.cellno.setvalidators([...cellvalidators]); } this.inputform.controls.cellno.updatevalueandvalidity(); let homenovalidators = [validators.pattern(this.phone_regex), validators.maxlength(25)]; if (this.inputform.controls.cellno.value.length === 0 ) { this.inputform.controls.homeno.setvalidators([...homenovalidators, validators.required]); } else { console.log('removing homeno', this.inputform.controls.homeno); this.inputform.controls.homeno.setvalidators([...homenovalidators]); } this.inputform.controls.homeno.updatevalueandvalidity(); }
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