MySQL/PHP merge rows by row values -

i need little mysql select in sql or php. situation: have sql table this

id | organization_id | investment | investment_curr | paid | paid_curr | effective_from | effective_to 1 | 195001 | 5000 | eur | null | eur | 2010-06-23 | null 2 | 195001 | null | eur | 5000 | eur | 2010-06-23 | null 3 | 195001 | 2000 | skk | null | skk | 2007-08-01 | 2010-06-22 4 | 195001 | null | skk | 2000 | skk | 2007-08-01 | 2010-06-22 

now have php select (joomla), when select values organization_id

$query_rpo_organization_equity_entries = $db->getquery(true); $query_rpo_organization_equity_entries     ->select(array('organization_id',                                     'investment_amount',                                     'investment_currency',                                     'paid_amount',                                     'paid_currency',                                     'effective_from',                                     'effective_to'     ))     ->from($db->quotename('rpo_organization_equity_entries'))     ->where($db->quotename('organization_id') . ' = '. $db->quote($rpo_id))     ->order(($db->quotename('effective_to') . ' not null'), $db->quotename('effective_to') . ' desc '); $db->setquery($query_rpo_organization_equity_entries); $query_rpo_organization_equity_entries = $db->loadobjectlist(); 

then im calling foreach

foreach($query_rpo_organization_equity_entries $rpo_organization_equity_entries) {} 

everything works right, not way need it. foreach returns 4 arrays, need merge/combine rows columns "effective_from" , "effective_to" (if have same values. , organization_id ofcourse). combine row ids 1 , 2, , rows ids 3 , 4, , instead of 4 arrays have 2 combine/merge arrays this

xy | 195001 | 5000 | eur | 5000 | eur | 2010-06-23 | null xy | 195001 | 2000 | skk | 2000 | skk | 2007-08-01 | 2010-06-22 

how should it? better solve sql , in php?


the result wish can achieved mysql using group by function.

in joomla docs pretty clear on one. van use group() function on object.

//example $query ->select( array('catid', 'count(*)') ) ->from($db->quotename('#__content')) ->group($db->quotename('catid')); 

in case want change code like:

$query_rpo_organization_equity_entries = $db->getquery(true); $query_rpo_organization_equity_entries     ->select(array('organization_id',                                     'max(investment_amount)',                                     'investment_currency',                                     'max(paid_amount)',                                     'paid_currency',                                     'max(effective_from)',                                     'max(effective_to)'     ))     ->from($db->quotename('rpo_organization_equity_entries'))     ->where($db->quotename('organization_id') . ' = '. $db->quote($rpo_id))     ->group('`organization_id`, `effective_from`, `effective_to`') //this 1     ->order(($db->quotename('effective_to') . ' not null'), $db->quotename('effective_to') . ' desc '); $db->setquery($query_rpo_organization_equity_entries); $query_rpo_organization_equity_entries = $db->loadobjectlist(); 

i have not tested in lines of should work.
