angular - ngOnInit not called on first request -
i facing weird issue in application.
whenever i'm routing 1 component ngoninit() not called due guess value countrieslist control not initialized. because when reload page pressing f5 ngoninit() called , value in countrieslist control rendered, facing issue single component, in rest of application ngoninit() called on every request. below code snippet:
import { component, oninit } '@angular/core'; import { router,activatedroute } '@angular/router'; import { formbuilder, formgroup, validators, formcontrol, reactiveformsmodule } '@angular/forms'; import { validator } "../shared/validators/validator"; import { authservice } 'angular2-social-login'; import { loginservice } '../login/login.service'; import { commonlogin } '../shared/commonservices/commonlogin.service'; import { userdata, storeuserdata } "../shared/commonservices/userdata.service"; @component({ selector: 'facebooklogin', templateurl: './facebook-login.html', providers: [loginservice, commonlogin,userdata,storeuserdata] }) export class facebooklogincomponent implements oninit { ngoninit() { debugger; this.countrydetails(); } socialform: formgroup; formerror: any; countrieslist: any; constructor(private router: router, private activatedroute: activatedroute , private fb: formbuilder, public _auth: authservice, private loginservice: loginservice, private commonlogin: commonlogin, private userdata: userdata, private storeuserdata: storeuserdata) { this.countrydetails(); } countrydetails() { this.commonlogin.countrydetails().subscribe(data => this.populatecountrylist(data), error => console.log(error)); } populatecountrylist(data: any) { var countriesdetails = json.parse(data._body).data.countries; this.countrieslist = countriesdetails; }
below route call
please let me know wrong below code, have checked several options provided on this, this , other websites nothing worked
binding countrylist code:
<form class="loginform" id="socialform" [formgroup]="socialform" (ngsubmit)="registeruser(socialform.value)" #f="ngform" novalidate> <select class="form-control select" [formcontrol]="" [class.controlerror]="'required') && f.submitted"> <option *ngfor="let c of countrieslist" [ngvalue]="c">{{c.country_name}}</option> </select> </form>
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