css - Same Column Size -
in cms have row 4 column. each column has picture, title, excerpt of content (50 words limit), date , button link complete story.
the size of images, titles, excerpt (if story less 50 words) not fixed. want each columns data come database become fix in size button @ bottom , image @ top , fix size white spaces spread in column space. have tried many ways (bulma, css grid) , didn't perfect result. tkx guide.
you can try display: table
, display: table-cell
my code example:
.container { display: table; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #bbb; } .block { display: table-cell; padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #bbb; width: 33%; }
<div class="container"> <div class="block"> lorem ipsum dummy text of printing , typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been industry's standard dummy text ever since 1500s, when unknown printer took galley of type , scrambled make type specimen book. has survived not 5 centuries, leap electronic typesetting, remaining unchanged. popularised in 1960s release of letraset sheets containing lorem ipsum passages, , more desktop publishing software aldus pagemaker including versions of lorem ipsum. </div> <div class="block"> lorem ipsum dummy text of printing , typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been industry's standard dummy text ever since 1500s, when unknown printer took galley of type , scrambled make type specimen book. has survived not 5 centuries, leap electronic typesetting, remaining unchanged. popularised in 1960s release of letraset sheets containing lorem ipsum passages, , more desktop publishing software aldus pagemaker including versions of lorem ipsum. <br> lorem ipsum dummy text of printing , typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been industry's standard dummy text ever since 1500s, when unknown printer took galley of type , scrambled make type specimen book. has survived not 5 centuries, leap electronic typesetting, remaining unchanged. popularised in 1960s release of letraset sheets containing lorem ipsum passages, , more desktop publishing software aldus pagemaker including versions of lorem ipsum. </div> <div class="block"> lorem ipsum dummy text of printing , typesetting industry. lorem ipsum has been industry's standard dummy text ever since 1500s, when unknown printer took galley of type , scrambled make type specimen book. </div> </div>
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