angular2 template - load json data to predix timeseries chart -

i developing application uses angular2 container , uses predix ui component(px-vis.timeseries) plotting graph. need data json file , display data in graph.

app.component.ts file

import { component, oninit } '@angular/core'; import { injectable }     '@angular/core'; import { timeservice } './timeservice'; import {itime} './time'  @component({   selector: 'my-app',   template: `  <div>     <h2 id="title_tag" >timeseries - chart</h2>     <px-vis-timeseries id="timeseries"       prevent-resize       width = "900"       height = "800"       selection-type= "xy"       [attr.chart-data]='chartdata '       [attr.series-config]='seriesconfig '       x-axis-config='{"title":"date"}'       y-axis-config='{"title":"single","titletruncation":false,"unit":"f","axis1":{"title":"temperature","titletruncation":false,"unit":"c"}}'>     </px-vis-timeseries> </div>   `,   providers:[timeservice] })  export class appcomponent implements oninit{      seriesconfig = '{"y0":{"name":"y0","x":"x","y":"y0","yaxisunit":"f","axis":{"id":"axis1","side":"left","number":"1"}},"y1":{"name":"y1","x":"x","y":"y1","yaxisunit":"hz","axis":{"id":"axis2","side":"right","number":"1"}},"y2":{"name":"y2","x":"x","y":"y2","ymin":0.11,"ymax":1.1,"yaxisunit":"c","axis":{"id":"axis3","side":"left","number":"2"}},"y3":{"name":"y3","x":"x","y":"y3","yaxisunit":"f","axis":{"id":"axis4","side":"right","number":"2"}}}';     errormessage: string;     data: itime[];     chartdata:any[];      constructor(private _timeservice: timeservice){     }      ngoninit():void{         this._timeservice.gettimedata()             .subscribe(data => = data,                 error => this.errormessage = <any>error);              chartdata =; } 


import { injectable } '@angular/core'; import { http, response } '@angular/http'; import { observable } 'rxjs/observable'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/do'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';  @injectable() export class timeservice{     timedata: array<any>;     private _jsonurl = "../time.json";      constructor(private _http: http){ }      gettimedata(): observable<any>{         return this._http.get(this._jsonurl)                  .map((response:response) => <any>response.json())                  .do(data => console.log('all: '+json.stringify(data)))                  .catch(this.handleerror);      private handleerror(error: response){         console.error(error);         return observable.throw(error.json().error || 'server error');     } } 


export interface itime{   time: date; } 



here able display json in console timeservice.ts. need json in chartdata in app.component.ts can use in graph can please guide me?


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