php - YII2extend yii2-queue -

the official example::

 $id=yii::$app->queue->push(new downloadjob([                 'url' => '',                 'file' => '111-txt',             ]));             // 将作业推送到队列并获得其id              // 这个作业等待执行。             $res_waiting=yii::$app->queue->iswaiting($id);              // worker 从队列获取作业,并执行它。             $res_reserved=yii::$app->queue->isreserved($id);              // worker 作业执行完成。             $res_done=yii::$app->queue->isdone($id);              file_put_contents('queue.json',json_encode(                 [                 'id'=>$id,                 'waiting'=>$res_waiting,                 'reserved'=>$res_reserved,                 'done'=>$res_done                 ]             ),file_append); 


<?php     namespace backend\controllers;     use yii\base\object;      class downloadjob extends object implements \yii\queue\job     {         public $url;         public $file;          public function execute($queue)         {              file_put_contents('test.txt','111111111');         }     } 

queue.json {"id":"1","waiting":true,"reserved":false,"done":false}

isreserved()andisdone()these 2 methods fail.why that,who can give example. thank platform. thank you.


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