c# - Unable to begin a distributed transaction using Entiy Framework -

i'm having following error executing piece of code:

private bool _updatelist(sysinfo _sysinfo, list<plist> _plist) {     try     {          foreach (var p in _plist)         {             _context.spupdateplistapprovalflow(p.countryid, _sysinfo.user.jobroleid, p.src, p.id, p.status, _sysinfo.user.username);         }          return true;     }     catch (exception ex) //debug     {         throw; //throws error main try catch     } } 


the operation not performed because ole db provider "msdasql" linked server "as400_linkedsrv" unable begin distributed transaction.

however, works fine when run stored procedure in sql management studio:

exec [dbo].[spupdateplistapprovalflow]         @countryid  = 123456,         @usertypeid = 23456,         @src = 1,         @id = '123456789',         @status = 30,         @username  = 'username' 

i'm tired of digging answer nothing works... few things i've tried:

  • set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
  • insert multiple transactions in stored procedure

this sp has 2 sub stored procedures on it. 1 writes table of application's database, , updates table in as400.

ok, after half day trying solve i've solved it.


downgraded entity framework 6 entity framework 5 , distribuited transactions error has gone.

just pay attention, if you're going this, have change usings in code. ( in auto generated code in data model well)

ef 6 uses

using system.data.entity.core.objects 

ef 5 uses

using system.data.objects; 


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