Encrypting A String With Crypto++ (C++) and Decrypting With AESCrypt (Android/java) -
i have been working on way long. @ rate wont have hair left. have situation trying encrypt c++ , decrypt java thought easy standard aes, or thought. here code
the encrypted c++ not decrypt correctly in java code.
c++ using crypto++
byte key[ cryptopp::aes::max_keylength ], iv[ cryptopp::aes::blocksize ]; memset( key, 0x00, cryptopp::aes::max_keylength ); memset( iv, 0x00, cryptopp::aes::blocksize ); string plaintext = "this test string"; string ciphertext; string decryptedtext; cryptopp::aes::encryption aesencryption(key, cryptopp::aes::max_keylength); cryptopp::cbc_mode_externalcipher::encryption cbcencryption( aesencryption, iv ); cryptopp::streamtransformationfilter stfencryptor(cbcencryption, new cryptopp::stringsink( ciphertext ) ); stfencryptor.put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( plaintext.c_str() ), plaintext.length() + 1 ); stfencryptor.messageend(); std::cout << "cipher text (" << ciphertext() << " bytes)" << std::endl;
my android/java code - mainactivity.java
string sencryptedmsg = "paste encrypted string here crypto++"; try { string messageafterdecrypt = aescrypt.decrypt(password, sencryptedmsg); log.i("decrypted --> ", messageafterdecrypt); }catch (generalsecurityexception e){ }
android/java code - aescrypt.java
import android.util.base64; import android.util.log; import java.io.unsupportedencodingexception; import java.security.generalsecurityexception; import java.security.messagedigest; import java.security.nosuchalgorithmexception; import javax.crypto.cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.ivparameterspec; import javax.crypto.spec.secretkeyspec; public final class aescrypt { private static final string tag = "aescrypt"; //aescrypt-objc uses cbc , pkcs7padding private static final string aes_mode = "aes/cbc/pkcs7padding"; private static final string charset = "utf-8"; //aescrypt-objc uses sha-256 (and 256-bit key) private static final string hash_algorithm = "sha-256"; //aescrypt-objc uses blank iv (not best security, aim here compatibility) private static final byte[] ivbytes = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //togglable log option (please turn off in live!) public static boolean debug_log_enabled = false; /** * generates sha256 hash of password used key * * @param password used generated key * @return sha256 of password */ private static secretkeyspec generatekey(final string password) throws nosuchalgorithmexception, unsupportedencodingexception { final messagedigest digest = messagedigest.getinstance(hash_algorithm); byte[] bytes = password.getbytes("utf-8"); digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length); byte[] key = digest.digest(); log("sha-256 key ", key); secretkeyspec secretkeyspec = new secretkeyspec(key, "aes"); return secretkeyspec; } /** * encrypt , encode message using 256-bit aes key generated password. * * * @param password used generated key * @param message thing want encrypt assumed string utf-8 * @return base64 encoded ciphertext * @throws generalsecurityexception if problems occur during encryption */ /** * decrypt , decode ciphertext using 256-bit aes key generated password * * @param password used generated key * @param base64encodedciphertext encrpyted message encoded base64 * @return message in plain text (string utf-8) * @throws generalsecurityexception if there's issue decrypting */ public static string decrypt(final string password, string base64encodedciphertext) throws generalsecurityexception { try { final secretkeyspec key = generatekey(password); log("base64encodedciphertext", base64encodedciphertext); byte[] decodedciphertext = base64.decode(base64encodedciphertext, base64.no_wrap); log("decodedciphertext", decodedciphertext); byte[] decryptedbytes = decrypt(key, ivbytes, decodedciphertext); log("decryptedbytes", decryptedbytes); string message = new string(decryptedbytes, charset); log("message", message); return message; } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) { if (debug_log_enabled) log.e(tag, "unsupportedencodingexception ", e); throw new generalsecurityexception(e); } } /** * more flexible aes decrypt doesn't encode * * @param key aes key typically 128, 192 or 256 bit * @param iv initiation vector * @param decodedciphertext in bytes (assumed it's been decoded) * @return decrypted message cipher text (not encoded) * @throws generalsecurityexception if goes wrong during encryption */ public static byte[] decrypt(final secretkeyspec key, final byte[] iv, final byte[] decodedciphertext) throws generalsecurityexception { final cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance(aes_mode); ivparameterspec ivspec = new ivparameterspec(iv); cipher.init(cipher.decrypt_mode, key, ivspec); byte[] decryptedbytes = cipher.dofinal(decodedciphertext); log("decryptedbytes", decryptedbytes); return decryptedbytes; } private static void log(string what, byte[] bytes) { if (debug_log_enabled) log.d(tag, + "[" + bytes.length + "] [" + bytestohex(bytes) + "]"); } private static void log(string what, string value) { if (debug_log_enabled) log.d(tag, + "[" + value.length() + "] [" + value + "]"); } /** * converts byte array hexidecimal useful logging , fault finding * @param bytes * @return */ private static string bytestohex(byte[] bytes) { final char[] hexarray = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; char[] hexchars = new char[bytes.length * 2]; int v; (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) { v = bytes[j] & 0xff; hexchars[j * 2] = hexarray[v >>> 4]; hexchars[j * 2 + 1] = hexarray[v & 0x0f]; } return new string(hexchars); } private aescrypt() { }
thanks in advance can provide!
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