Java Respect Rate Limit -

i'm working on code supposed respect rate limit, here's i've written far (single main class):

public class main{      public static void get(){ //method i'm gonna put http stuff retrieve data          system.out.println("get!");      }      public static void main(string[] args){          int getdone = 0; //number of get() done since t0 updated last time         final int get_max = 10; //max number of get() can done in time_frame ms, 10 here else         long t0 = system.currenttimemillis(); //currenttimemillis() registered on last time getdone equal 0         final long time_frame = 2000; //number of ms of "cycle"         for(int = 0; < 45; i++){ //number of calls, 45 here else             if(getdone == get_max){                 while(system.currenttimemillis() - t0 < time_frame);             }             get();             if(getdone == 0){                 t0 = system.currenttimemillis();             }             getdone = (getdone + 1) % (get_max + 1);             //for example, if get_max = 5, getdone goes like: 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 ..          }      }  } 

also wondering if should use nano instead of millis? if so, why? :)

can of guys validate or correct if i'm doing wrong? in advance! :d


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