How can I add kendo context menu in kendo editor -

i got kendo editor in 1 of page. need add context menu editor. there way this?

both working fine individually. need find way can make them work together. both working fine individually. need find way can make them work together.

<div class="row">      <div class="col-xs-11 col-sm-11 col-md-11 col-lg-11">          @(html.kendo().editor()              .name("emailtexthtmleditor")              .encode(false)                          .htmlattributes(new { style = "width: 100%; height: 400px;" })              .tools(tools => tools                  .clear()                                  .bold().italic().underline().strikethrough()                  .justifyleft().justifycenter().justifyright().justifyfull()                  .createlink().unlink()                  .insertimage()                  .viewhtml()                  .formatting()                  .cleanformatting()                  .fontname()                  .fontsize()                  .fontcolor().backcolor()                              )                      )      </div>      <div>          @(html.kendo().contextmenu()              .name("menu")              .target("#emailtexthtmleditor")                          .orientation(contextmenuorientation.vertical)              .animation(animation =>              {         =>                  {                      open.fade(;                      open.duration(500);                  });              })              .items(items =>              {                  items.add()                      .text("reply")                                          .items(children =>                      {                          children.add().text("reply sender");                          children.add().text("reply all");                      });                    items.add()                       .text("forward");                    items.add()                      .text("mark as")                      .items(children =>                      {                          children.add().text("unread");                          children.add().separator(true);                          children.add().text("important");                          children.add().text("read");                      });                    items.add()                      .text("label as")                      .items(children =>                      {                          children.add().text("none");                          children.add().separator(true);                          children.add().text("important");                          children.add().text("work");                          children.add().text("personal");                          children.add().separator(true);                          children.add().text("new label");                      });                })          )      </div>  </div>


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