ios - Programmatically using constraints on a button that is also programmatically made -
i'm trying facebook login button (top center of screenshot) below "register or login button" using constraints, i'm not sure constraints use , how use them. i'm quite new swift 3 , have not done constraint programmatically yet, welcomed! used x , y position in cgrect place button, noticed on different device, button not in same place, i'm trying use constraints now.
it looks this:
this code regarding button in viewdidload:
let fbloginbutton = fbsdkloginbutton() view.addsubview(fbloginbutton) fbloginbutton.frame = cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width - 100, height: 40) self.view.addsubview(fbloginbutton) = view.frame.width/2
i tried doing:
let verticalspace = nslayoutconstraint( item: self, attribute: .bottom, relatedby: .equal, toitem: fbloginbutton, attribute: .bottom, multiplier: 0.75, constant: 0)
but led me error:
constraint items must each instance of uiview, or uilayoutguide.
try code had added button "send" programatically below button "show alert" added using storyboard
@iboutlet weak var showalertbutton: uibutton! func addbutton(){ let sendbutton = uibutton(type: .system) sendbutton.settitle("send", for: uicontrolstate()) sendbutton.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false self.view.addsubview(sendbutton) sendbutton.leftanchor.constraint(equalto: showalertbutton.leftanchor, constant: 0).isactive = true sendbutton.rightanchor.constraint(equalto: showalertbutton.rightanchor, constant: 0).isactive = true sendbutton.topanchor.constraint(equalto: showalertbutton.bottomanchor, constant: 10).isactive = true sendbutton.widthanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 80).isactive = true sendbutton.heightanchor.constraint(equalto: showalertbutton.heightanchor).isactive = true }
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