go - Mock struct golang for testing -

i have following code:

type struct {    somestring string    somenumber int }  func (a *a) somefunction(asd string) error {    //do thinks    return err }  func createastruct() (a, error) {    return a{},nil }  func functiontotest (asd string) error {    //do thinks    a, _ := createastruct()    return a.somefunction(asd) } 

i want build unit test method "functiontotest", don't want call method "somefunction" of struct. reason need "subclass" of implements "dummy" "somefunction". can this?

i trying refactor method creating following struct:

type acreator struct {   createa  func() (a, error) } var acreator = acreator{createa: createastruct}  type struct {    somestring string    somenumber int }  func (a *a) somefunction(asd string) error {    //do thinks    return err }  func createastruct() (a, error) {    return a{},nil }  func functiontotest (asd string) error {    //do thinks    a, _ := acreator.createa()    return a.somefunction(asd) } 

with step in test file y can create "setup()" replace method createastruct() , return implementation of implements "dummy" method somefunction(asd string).

is posible? wrong in think? can this?


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