java - REST API Autowire remote or local implementation of a service automatically -
i have rest api built on spring boot consisting of 2 seperate web services. don't know if 2 web services hosted on same machine want make remote , local implementation services. example below:
local service implementation:
public class localexampleservice implements exampleservice{ public item getitem(long id){ //get item using implementation local project } }
remote service implementation:
public class remoteexampleservice implements exampleservice{ @value("${serviceurl}") private string serviceurl; public item getitem(long id){ //get item calling remote service } }
public class mycontroller{ @autowired private exampleservice exampleservice; }
web service has many services local , remote implementation , want let spring know type of implementation should choose services.
i've been thinking putting url in properties file , during intialization app check whether properties contain url , autowire service approprietly. have write logic every service autowiring.
what's best option autowire correct service implementation automatically?
my attempt implement
the idea check if spring bean cannot found locally automatically create proxy uses resttemplate internally call same service remotely.
you need define contract - services interfaces plus dto , define url resolver specify url should used each service.
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