c# - Video face recognition and comparing with the image using Emgu 3.2.0 -
dear developers. it's first time ask here.
last week got task supervisor: develop software compare visitors' faces appearing on camera photos member-cards. after deep research, seems impossible complete 1 photo, that's not point. use c# , emgu library , wrote working code problem accuracy. tried use all: "emgu.cv.eigenfacerecognizer", "emgu.cv.fisherfacerecognizer" , "emgu.cv.lbphfacerecognizer" of them make lot of misrecognition. after tried upload 10 photos of european self , 10 more of chinese classmate - shows name , "eigen face" blinking both of our names seeing him. far fixed errors , bugs myself, right there no error , don't know do. thank attention.
this main class:
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using system.data; using system.drawing; using system.drawing.imaging; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.windows.forms; using system.threading; using system.threading.tasks; using system.io; using system.xml; using system.runtime.interopservices; using system.security.principal; using microsoft.win32.safehandles; using emgu.cv; using emgu.cv.structure; using emgu.cv.cvenum; using emgu.util; using emgu.cv.ui; namespace ilovewinforms { public partial class form1 : form { public form1() { initializecomponent(); //load of previus trainned faces , labels each image if (eigen_recog.istrained) { message_bar.text = "training data loaded"; } else { message_bar.text = "no training data found, please train program using train menu option"; } face = new cascadeclassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"); enc_parameters.param[0] = enc; image_encoder_jpg = getencoder(imageformat.jpeg); } private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { try { capturecam = new capture(); } catch (nullreferenceexception exception) { messagebox.show(exception.message); return; } application.idle += new eventhandler(broadcastfunction); //application.idle += new eventhandler(photograbber); capturingprocess = true; } #region detection #region detection variables //******************************detection global variables*******************************************// capture capturecam = null; //instance capture using webcam bool capturingprocess = false; //boolean stating capturing process status image<bgr, byte> imgorg; //image type rgb (or bgr in open cv) image<gray, byte> result, trainedface = null; //used store result image , trained face private static readonly cascadeclassifier _cascadeclassifier = new cascadeclassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"); //classifier default training location classifier_train eigen_recog = new classifier_train(); //mcvfont font = new mcvfont(font.cv_font_hershey_complex, 0.5, 0.5); //our font writing within frame //cvinvoke.puttext(img, "hello, world", new system.drawing.point(10, 80), fontface.hersheycomplex, 1.0, new bgr(0, 255, 0).mcvscalar); //our font writing within frame bitmap[] extfaces; int faceno = 0; //***************************************************************************************************// #endregion //video capture , broadcast void broadcastfunction(object sender, eventargs e) { imgorg = capturecam.queryframe().toimage<bgr, byte>(); facedetection(imgorg); //videopicturebox.image = imgorg.tobitmap(); //if (imgorg == null) return; } void facedetection(image<bgr, byte> imgorg) { //convert grayscale if (imgorg != null) { gray_frame = imgorg.convert<gray, byte>(); //face detector rectangle[] facesdetected = face.detectmultiscale(gray_frame, 1.2, 10, new size(50, 50), size.empty); //action each element detected parallel.for(0, facesdetected.length, => { try { facesdetected[i].x += (int)(facesdetected[i].height * 0.15); facesdetected[i].y += (int)(facesdetected[i].width * 0.22); facesdetected[i].height -= (int)(facesdetected[i].height * 0.3); facesdetected[i].width -= (int)(facesdetected[i].width * 0.35); result = imgorg.copy(facesdetected[i]).convert<gray, byte>().resize(100, 100, emgu.cv.cvenum.inter.cubic); result._equalizehist(); //draw face detected in 0th (gray) channel blue color imgorg.draw(facesdetected[i], new bgr(color.blue), 2); if (eigen_recog.istrained) { string name = eigen_recog.recognise(result); int match_value = (int)eigen_recog.get_eigen_distance; //draw label each face detected , recognized //imgorg.draw(name + " ", ref font, new point(facesdetected[i].x - 2, facesdetected[i].y - 2), new bgr(color.lightgreen)); cvinvoke.puttext(imgorg, name + " ", new system.drawing.point(10, 80), fontface.hersheycomplex, 1.0, new bgr(255, 0, 0).mcvscalar); add_face_found(result, name, match_value); } } catch { //do nothing parrellel loop buggy //no action error useless, error in //no data being there process , occurss sporadically } }); //show faces procesed , recognized videopicturebox.image = imgorg.tobitmap(); } } //add picture box , label panel each face int faces_count = 0; int faces_panel_y = 0; int faces_panel_x = 0; void clear_faces_found() { this.faces_found_panel.controls.clear(); faces_count = 0; faces_panel_y = 0; faces_panel_x = 0; } void add_face_found(image<gray, byte> img_found, string name_person, int match_value) { picturebox pi = new picturebox(); pi.location = new point(faces_panel_x, faces_panel_y); pi.height = 80; pi.width = 80; pi.sizemode = pictureboxsizemode.stretchimage; pi.image = img_found.tobitmap(); label lb = new label(); lb.text = name_person + " " + match_value.tostring(); lb.location = new point(faces_panel_x, faces_panel_y + 80); lb.width = 80; lb.height = 15; faces_found_panel.controls.add(pi); faces_found_panel.controls.add(lb); faces_count++; if (faces_count == 2) { faces_panel_x = 0; faces_panel_y += 100; faces_count = 0; } else faces_panel_x += 85; if (faces_found_panel.controls.count > 10) { clear_faces_found(); } } #endregion #region training #region training variables //******************************recognition global variables*****************************************// image<gray, byte> gray_frame = null; //classifier cascadeclassifier face = new cascadeclassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"); //saving jpg list<image<gray, byte>> imagestowrite = new list<image<gray, byte>>(); encoderparameters enc_parameters = new encoderparameters(1); encoderparameter enc = new encoderparameter(system.drawing.imaging.encoder.quality, 100); imagecodecinfo image_encoder_jpg; //saving xaml data file list<string> namestowrite = new list<string>(); list<string> namesforfile = new list<string>(); xmldocument docu = new xmldocument(); //variables form1 parent; private image<bgr, byte> img; //for aquiring 10 images in row list<image<gray, byte>> resultimages = new list<image<gray, byte>>(); int results_list_pos = 0; int num_faces_to_aquire = 10; bool record = false; //***************************************************************************************************// #endregion void photograbber(object sender, eventargs e) { //get current frame form capture device //currentframe = grabber.queryframe().resize(320, 240, emgu.cv.cvenum.inter.cv_inter_cubic); // converting master image bitmap bitmap masterimage = (bitmap)photopicturebox.image; // normalizing grayscale img = new image<bgr, byte>(masterimage); //convert grayscale if (img != null) { gray_frame = img.convert<gray, byte>(); //face detector //mcvavgcomp[][] facesdetected = gray_frame.detecthaarcascade(face, 1.2, 10, emgu.cv.cvenum.haar_detection_type.do_canny_pruning, new size(20, 20)); //old method rectangle[] facesdetected = face.detectmultiscale(gray_frame, 1.2, 10, new size(50, 50), size.empty); //action each element detected (int = 0; < facesdetected.length; i++)// (rectangle face_found in facesdetected) { //this focus in on face haar results not perfect remove majoriy //of background noise facesdetected[i].x += (int)(facesdetected[i].height * 0.15); facesdetected[i].y += (int)(facesdetected[i].width * 0.22); facesdetected[i].height -= (int)(facesdetected[i].height * 0.3); facesdetected[i].width -= (int)(facesdetected[i].width * 0.35); result = img.copy(facesdetected[i]).convert<gray, byte>().resize(100, 100, emgu.cv.cvenum.inter.cubic); result._equalizehist(); facepicturebox.image = result.tobitmap(); //draw face detected in 0th (gray) channel blue color img.draw(facesdetected[i], new bgr(color.blue), 2); } photopicturebox.image = img.tobitmap(); } } private bool save_training_data(image face_data) { try { random rand = new random(); bool file_create = true; string facename = "face_" + nametextbox.text + "_" + rand.next().tostring() + ".jpg"; while (file_create) { if (!file.exists(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/" + facename)) { file_create = false; } else { facename = "face_" + nametextbox.text + "_" + rand.next().tostring() + ".jpg"; } } if (directory.exists(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/")) { face_data.save(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/" + facename, imageformat.jpeg); } else { directory.createdirectory(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/"); face_data.save(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/" + facename, imageformat.jpeg); } if (file.exists(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/trainedlabels.xml")) { //file.appendalltext(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/trainedlabels.txt", name_person.text + "\n\r"); bool loading = true; while (loading) { try { docu.load(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/trainedlabels.xml"); loading = false; } catch { docu = null; docu = new xmldocument(); thread.sleep(10); } } //get root element xmlelement root = docu.documentelement; xmlelement face_d = docu.createelement("face"); xmlelement name_d = docu.createelement("name"); xmlelement file_d = docu.createelement("file"); //add values each nodes //name.value = textboxname.text; //age.innertext = textboxage.text; //gender.innertext = textboxgender.text; name_d.innertext = nametextbox.text; file_d.innertext = facename; //construct person element //person.attributes.append(name); face_d.appendchild(name_d); face_d.appendchild(file_d); //add new person element end of root element root.appendchild(face_d); //save document docu.save(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/trainedlabels.xml"); //xmlelement child_element = docu.createelement("face"); //docu.appendchild(child_element); //docu.save("trainedlabels.xml"); } else { filestream fs_face = file.openwrite(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/trainedlabels.xml"); using (xmlwriter writer = xmlwriter.create(fs_face)) { writer.writestartdocument(); writer.writestartelement("faces_for_training"); writer.writestartelement("face"); writer.writeelementstring("name", nametextbox.text); writer.writeelementstring("file", facename); writer.writeendelement(); writer.writeendelement(); writer.writeenddocument(); } fs_face.close(); } return true; } catch (exception ex) { return false; } } //delete old training data deleting folder private void deletebutton_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (directory.exists(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/")) { directory.delete(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/", true); directory.createdirectory(application.startuppath + "/trainedfaces/"); } } private void addbutton_click(object sender, eventargs e) { //if (resultimages.count == num_faces_to_aquire) //{ if (!save_training_data(facepicturebox.image)) messagebox.show("error", "error in saving file info. training data not saved", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error); //} } private imagecodecinfo getencoder(imageformat format) { imagecodecinfo[] codecs = imagecodecinfo.getimagedecoders(); foreach (imagecodecinfo codec in codecs) { if (codec.formatid == format.guid) { return codec; } } return null; }
and faces training class:
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using emgu.cv.ui; using emgu.cv; using emgu.cv.structure; using emgu.cv.cvenum; using emgu.cv.face; using system.io; using system.xml; using system.runtime.interopservices; using system.threading; using system.windows.forms; using system.xml.serialization; using system.drawing.imaging; using system.drawing; /// <summary> /// desingned remove training eigenobjectrecognizer code main form /// </summary> class classifier_train : idisposable { #region variables //eigen //eigenobjectrecognizer recognizer; facerecognizer recognizer; //training variables list<image<gray, byte>> trainingimages = new list<image<gray, byte>>();//images //todo: see if can combined in ditionary format remove support old data list<string> names_list = new list<string>(); //labels list<int> names_list_id = new list<int>(); int conttrain, numlabels; float eigen_distance = 0; string eigen_label; int eigen_threshold = 2000; //class variables string error; bool _istrained = false; //"emgu.cv.eigenfacerecognizer" //"emgu.cv.fisherfacerecognizer" //"emgu.cv.lbphfacerecognizer" public string recognizer_type = "emgu.cv.eigenfacerecognizer"; #endregion #region constructors /// <summary> /// default constructor, looks in (application.startuppath + "\\trainedfaces") traing data. /// </summary> public classifier_train() { _istrained = loadtrainingdata(application.startuppath + "\\trainedfaces"); } /// <summary> /// takes string input different location training data /// </summary> /// <param name="training_folder"></param> public classifier_train(string training_folder) { _istrained = loadtrainingdata(training_folder); } #endregion #region public /// <summary> /// retrains recognizer witout resetting variables recognizer type. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool retrain() { return _istrained = loadtrainingdata(application.startuppath + "\\trainedfaces"); } /// <summary> /// retrains recognizer witout resetting variables recognizer type. /// takes string input different location training data. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool retrain(string training_folder) { return _istrained = loadtrainingdata(training_folder); } /// <summary> /// <para>return(true): if training data has been located , eigen recogniser has been trained</para> /// <para>return(false): if no training data has been located of error in training has occured</para> /// </summary> public bool istrained { { return _istrained; } } /// <summary> /// recognise grayscale image using trained eigen recogniser /// </summary> /// <param name="input_image"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string recognise(image<gray, byte> input_image, int eigen_thresh = -1) { if (_istrained) { facerecognizer.predictionresult er = recognizer.predict(input_image); if (er.label == -1) { eigen_label = "unknown"; eigen_distance = 0; return eigen_label; } else { eigen_label = names_list[er.label]; eigen_distance = (float)er.distance; if (eigen_thresh > -1) eigen_threshold = eigen_thresh; //only use post threshold rule if using eigen recognizer //since fisher , lbhp threshold set during constructor work correctly switch (recognizer_type) { case ("emgu.cv.eigenfacerecognizer"): if (eigen_distance > eigen_threshold) return eigen_label; else return "unknown"; case ("emgu.cv.fisherfacerecognizer"): case ("emgu.cv.lbphfacerecognizer"): default: return eigen_label; //the threshold set in training controls unknowns } } } else return ""; } /// <summary> /// returns string containg recognised persons name /// </summary> public string get_eigen_label { { return eigen_label; } } /// <summary> /// returns float confidence value potential false clasifications /// </summary> public float get_eigen_distance { { //get eigendistance return eigen_distance; } } /// <summary> /// returns string contatining error has occured /// </summary> public string get_error { { return error; } } /// <summary> /// dispose of class call garbage collector /// </summary> public void dispose() { recognizer = null; trainingimages = null; names_list = null; error = null; gc.collect(); } #endregion #region private /// <summary> /// loads traing data given (string) folder location /// </summary> /// <param name="folder_location"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool loadtrainingdata(string folder_location) { if (file.exists(folder_location + "\\trainedlabels.xml")) { try { //message_bar.text = ""; names_list.clear(); names_list_id.clear(); trainingimages.clear(); filestream filestream = file.openread(folder_location + "\\trainedlabels.xml"); long filelength = filestream.length; byte[] xmlbytes = new byte[filelength]; filestream.read(xmlbytes, 0, (int)filelength); filestream.close(); memorystream xmlstream = new memorystream(xmlbytes); using (xmlreader xmlreader = xmltextreader.create(xmlstream)) { while (xmlreader.read()) { if (xmlreader.isstartelement()) { switch (xmlreader.name) { case "name": if (xmlreader.read()) { names_list_id.add(names_list.count); //0, 1, 2, 3.... names_list.add(xmlreader.value.trim()); numlabels += 1; } break; case "file": if (xmlreader.read()) { //problem here if trainingg moved trainingimages.add(new image<gray, byte>(application.startuppath + "\\trainedfaces\\" + xmlreader.value.trim())); } break; } } } } conttrain = numlabels; if (trainingimages.toarray().length != 0) { //eigen face recognizer //parameters: // num_components – number of components (read: eigenfaces) kept prinicpal // component analysis. hint: there’s no rule how many components (read: eigenfaces) // should kept reconstruction capabilities. based on input data, // experiment number. keeping 80 components should sufficient. // // threshold – threshold applied in prediciton. still has issues work inversly lbh , fisher methods. // if use 0.0 recognizer.predict return -1 or unknown if use 5000 example unknow won't reconised. // in previous versions ignore built in threhold methods , allow match found i.e. double.positiveinfinity // , use eigen distance threshold return elliminate unknowns. // //note: following causes confusion, sinc 2 rules used. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //eigen uses // 0 - x = unknown // > x = recognised // //fisher , lbph use // 0 - x = recognised // > x = unknown // // x = threshold value switch (recognizer_type) { case ("emgu.cv.lbphfacerecognizer"): recognizer = new lbphfacerecognizer(1, 8, 8, 8, 100);//50 break; case ("emgu.cv.fisherfacerecognizer"): recognizer = new fisherfacerecognizer(0, 3500);//4000 break; case ("emgu.cv.eigenfacerecognizer"): default: recognizer = new eigenfacerecognizer(80, double.positiveinfinity); break; } recognizer.train(trainingimages.toarray(), names_list_id.toarray()); // recognizer_type = recognizer.gettype(); // string v = recognizer.tostring(); //emgu.cv.fisherfacerecognizer || emgu.cv.eigenfacerecognizer || emgu.cv.lbphfacerecognizer return true; } else return false; } catch (exception ex) { error = ex.tostring(); return false; } } else return false; } #endregion }
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