How to implement linear interpolation in Matlab - Coordinates and dates -

i have csv file contains data of hurricane location coordinates. i'm new matlab i'm not sure how treat correctly date , hour cells, when displayed unconventionally.

i need apply linear interpolation can date every 30 minutes.

enter image description here

let's assume read data in numerical values

now have matrix so:

data = [20130928    0  21.1 50.0         20130928  600  22.2 50.3         20130928 1200  23.3 50.6         20130928 1800  24.2 50.6]; 

to convert first 2 columns datetime values, this:

% concatenate first 2 columns, including making times 4 digits 0 padding fulltime = [num2str(data(:,1)), num2str(data(:,2), '%.4u')] % use datetime convert (cell) times dates given format dates = datetime(cellstr(fulltime),'inputformat', 'yyyymmddhhmm');  >> dates = 28-sep-2013 00:00:00            28-sep-2013 06:00:00            28-sep-2013 12:00:00            28-sep-2013 18:00:00 

now can interpolate. first create array of times want use:

% data value every 30 mins interpdates = dates(1):hours(0.5):dates(end) 

then use interp1

interpolateddata = interp1(dates, data(:,3:4), interpdates); >> interpolateddata = 21.1000   50.0000                       21.1917   50.0250                       21.2833   50.0500                       21.3750   50.0750                       ...                       24.1250   50.6000                       24.2000   50.6000 


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