excel - Make the below program Run faster -

i have program below. takes excel files folder, fetches data cell locations of file , puts in other larger file. thing program running, taking time complete. need make faster. ideas welcome, thankyou in advance. if point me directions or provide line of codes used alternative make faster much appreciated. thankyou.

import openpyxl import xlrd import xlwt import datetime import os xlrd import open_workbook xlwt import workbook xlutils.copy import copy import win32com.client win32 import ctypes.wintypes os import path  processed_file_path=r'd:\pcn_automation\processed_pcns' dir_path='d:\pcn_automation' dir_output_path='d:\pcn_automation'  wb_openpyxl=openpyxl.load_workbook(os.path.join(dir_output_path,'concat_pcn.xlsx')) #wb_openpyxl=openpyxl.load_workbook(os.path.join(dir_output_path,'concat_pcn_copy.xlsx')) sheet_openpyxl=wb_openpyxl.active  last_row_index_where_inserted=0 #this indicates index too. automatically inserted in next index next value stores  def xldate_to_datetime(xldate):    tempdate = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)    deltadays = datetime.timedelta(days=int(xldate)-2)    thetime = (tempdate + deltadays )    return thetime.strftime("%d/%m/%y")  def checkbox_values(path):     csidl_personal = 5     check_box=''     shgfp_type_current = 0     buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.max_path)     ctypes.windll.shell32.shgetfolderpathw(none, csidl_personal, \                                            none, shgfp_type_current, buf)     excel = win32.dispatchex("excel.application")     wb = excel.workbooks.open(filename=path, readonly=true);     ws = wb.worksheets("pcn form")     cb in ws.checkboxes():         if cb.value == 1:             if cb.name == 'check box 12':                 check_box = check_box + 'msc' + '; '             elif cb.name == 'check box 13':                 check_box = check_box + 'isc' + '; '             elif cb.name == 'check box 14':                 check_box = check_box + 'dsc' + '; '             else:                 check_box = check_box + 'eaa' + '; '     return check_box  def getnumrecords_resourceinformation(path):     wb_pyxl=openpyxl.load_workbook(path,data_only=true);     active_sheet=wb_pyxl.active     mid_block_ending_rownum=sheet.nrows-19;     i=0;     rowofcellobjects in active_sheet['b19':('x'+str(mid_block_ending_rownum))]:         if rowofcellobjects[0].value none:             break;         i=i+1;     mid_block_ending_rownum=19+i-1;     return mid_block_ending_rownum  def putpcn_inconcatpcn(sheet,filename,file_path,last_row_index):     global sheet_openpyxl     global last_row_index_where_inserted     data2=[sheet.cell_value(col,2) col in range(4,15)]; #it holds project information details     data3=[sheet.cell_value(4,11)]; #it holds additional comments      print("-------processing file "+str(filename)+" -------")     row_num in range(18,getnumrecords_resourceinformation(file_path)):         print("-----inserting "+str(row_num - 18 + 1)+" record in pcn_concat file---------")         print("     ---inserting file name---")         sheet_openpyxl.cell(row=(row_num - 18 + 1 + last_row_index)+1,column=(0)+1).value=str(filename);         print("     ---inserting project information details---")         index2, value2 in enumerate(data2):             if index2 == 2 , value2 != '':                 value2 = xldate_to_datetime(value2);             if index2==7:                 value2=checkbox_values(file_path)             sheet_openpyxl.cell(row=(row_num-18 + 1 + last_row_index)+1,column=(index2+1)+1).value=str(value2);         print("     ---inserting additional comments---")         index3, value3 in enumerate(data3):             sheet_openpyxl.cell(row=(row_num - 18 + 1 + last_row_index)+1,column=(index2 + index3+ 2)+1).value=str(value3);         data = [sheet.cell_value(row_num, col) col in range(1, 24)];  # holds resource information         print("     ---inserting resource information---")         index,value4 in enumerate(data):             if (index==9 or index==10) , value4!='':                 value4=xldate_to_datetime(value4);             sheet_openpyxl.cell(row=(row_num-18 + 1 + last_row_index)+1,column=(index+index2+index3+3)+1).value=str(value4);      last_row_index_where_inserted=last_row_index_where_inserted+(row_num-18+1)     return  def moveprocessed_pcns(file_path,xlsfile,sheet2,num_rows):     num_rows_source=getnumrecords_resourceinformation(file_path)     num_rows_source=num_rows_source-19+1     count = 0;     in range(1, num_rows):         if sheet2.cell(i, 0).value == xlsfile:             if sheet2.cell(i,36).value=='processed':                 count = count + 1     if count==num_rows_source:         print("\n-------all records of file " + str(xlsfile) + " marked processed-------")         print("\n     -----moving file " + str(xlsfile) + " processed_pcns folder-----")         os.rename(file_path, path.join(processed_file_path, xlsfile))         print("\n     -----file " + str(xlsfile) + " moved processed_pcns folder-----")     else:         print("\n-------some records file " + str(xlsfile) + " not marked processed-----")         print("\n     -----not moving file " + str(xlsfile) + " processed_pcns folder-----")     return  def movedataofpcn(concatpcns,movepcns_toprocessed):     global sheet     global output_sheet     global workbook     global sheet_openpyxl     global wb_openpyxl     if concatpcns==1:         dir_list = os.listdir(dir_path)         in range(len(dir_list)):             xlsfile = dir_list[i]             if (xlsfile.endswith('.xlsm') or xlsfile.endswith('.xlsx')) , (xlsfile != 'concat_pcn.xlsx'):             #if (xlsfile.endswith('.xlsm') or xlsfile.endswith('.xlsx')) , (xlsfile != 'concat_pcn_copy.xlsx'):                 file_path = path.join(dir_path, xlsfile)                 workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path);                 sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0);                 putpcn_inconcatpcn(sheet, xlsfile, file_path, last_row_index_where_inserted)          print("\n--------all files processed--------")         print("\n---saving pcn_concat file---")          wb_openpyxl.save(os.path.join(dir_output_path,'concat_pcn.xlsx'))         #wb_openpyxl.save(os.path.join(dir_output_path,'concat_pcn_copy.xlsx'))           print("\n---pcn_concat file saved---")      if movepcns_toprocessed==1:         startmoving_processed_pcns()     return  def startmoving_processed_pcns():     global sheet     global workbook     if not os.path.exists(processed_file_path):         os.makedirs(processed_file_path)     print("\n");     print("---------moving of processed pcn files started-------")     dir_list = os.listdir(dir_path)     #workbook2 = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(dir_output_path, 'concat_pcn_copy.xlsx'))     workbook2 = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(dir_output_path, 'concat_pcn.xlsx'))     sheet2 = workbook2.sheet_by_index(0)     num_rows = sheet2.nrows     in range(len(dir_list)):         xlsfile = dir_list[i]         #if (xlsfile.endswith('.xlsm') or xlsfile.endswith('.xlsx')) , (xlsfile!='concat_pcn_copy.xlsx'):         if (xlsfile.endswith('.xlsm') or xlsfile.endswith('.xlsx')) , (xlsfile != 'concat_pcn.xlsx'):             file_path = path.join(dir_path, xlsfile)             workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path);             sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0);             moveprocessed_pcns(file_path, xlsfile,sheet2,num_rows)     return   movedataofpcn(1,0) 


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