android - how to handle list of images(horizontal) inside cardview in recylerview? -

i want create below design, because of have created dynamic image views , fetch image urls using glide lib. loading images slow

holder.linearlayout.removeallviews();  for(int k = 0; k < getpiclist().size(); k++) {     imageview imageview = new imageview(holder.linearlayout.getcontext());     linearlayout.layoutparams params = new linearlayout.layoutparams(90, 90);     params.setmargins(0,0,10,0);     imageview.setlayoutparams(params);     getpic(holder.linearlayout, imageview, requestdata.getpiclist().get(k).getpic()); }   private void getpic(final linearlayout linearlayout, final imageview imageview, string imageurl){     // log.d(tag,imageurl);     if (imageurl != null) {         // loading profile image         glide.with(context).load(imageurl)             //  .crossfade()             .dontanimate()             .priority(priority.immediate)             .signature(new stringsignature(string.valueof(system.currenttimemillis())))             //   .placeholder()             .error(r.drawable.ic_error_image_load)             .thumbnail(0.5f)//size multiplier must 0 , 1             .bitmaptransform(new circletransform(context))             .diskcachestrategy(diskcachestrategy.all)             .into(new simpletarget<glidedrawable>() {                 @override                 public void onresourceready(glidedrawable resource, glideanimation<? super glidedrawable> glideanimation) {                     imageview.setimagedrawable(resource);                     linearlayout.addview(imageview);                    }             });     } else {         // make sure glide doesn't load view until told otherwise         glide.clear(employee_img);         // remove placeholder (optional); read comments below         employee_img.setimagedrawable(null);     } } 

is right way choose dynamic image views kind of ui, or there other alternative?



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