swift - iOS firebase observer delays observing the changes in the node -

i have 1 function realtime location updates of selected user.

and in function , need call current status , history of selected user firebase.

so, problem when start observer location updates , it's fine , it's great . value firebase observer.

but , when make call current status , history of selected user , getting delay in firebase realtime observer .

i don't understand how come call firebase affecting our realtime observer code.

guys suggestions, tried dispatching background current status /history call still no luck.

left me hopeless , clueless.

added: getting current status , realtime observers same node. , happens same node observing , same time if firebase call made same node , colliding ???


firebase function current status :

firdatabasereference().child("personal").child(useruuid).child("realtime")             .observesingleevent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in             //print(snapshot.key)             if snapshot.exists(){                 let location = locationparser(dict: snapshot.value as! [string : anyobject])?.location                 completion(location)             }else{                 completion(nil)             }         }){ (error) in             completion(nil)             debugprint(error.localizeddescription)         } 

firebase function observe location (continuously):

firdatabasereference().child("personal").child(useruuid).child("realtime")         .observe(.value) { (snapshot:firdatasnapshot) in          print("\nobserver firebase fired")          if let value = snapshot.value as? [string:anyobject] {             if let location = locationparser(dict: value)?.location {                 //we cannot save location our database                 //sharedfirebasemanager.savelocationhistoric(locationparser(dict: value)!)                 result(success(location))             }         }     } 


i calling both same controller , see continuous observer delays on calling firebase function call. clue.


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