api - Querying 'DeletedEntry' using an id -
the contentmanagement.entry.delete webhook not contain entry fields.
{ "sys": { "type": "deletedentry", "id": "{id here}", "space": { "sys": { "type": "link", "linktype": "space", "id": "{space id here}" } }, "revision": 1, "createdat": "2017-08-18t09:57:26.226z", "updatedat": "2017-08-18t09:57:26.226z", "deletedat": "2017-08-18t09:57:26.226z", "contenttype": { "sys": { "type": "link", "linktype": "contenttype", "id": "page" } } } }
is there way retrieve fields associated entry after has been deleted? -or - there method query deleted entries can associated field data?
unfortunately there no way query deleted entries or retrieve fields.
you can query unpublished entries through management api, once entry deleted it's gone , webhook payload indicates id of deleted entry, corresponding content fields lost.
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