Heroku Scheduler - Build Task Error -

i'm running ap on heroku that's making googleplaces api call button. i'm trying use heroku scheduler make call automatically once day. i'm getting error in terminal : rake aborted! don't know how build task 'sync_all' (see --tasks)

the main bulk of code works in controller. can tell me i'm missing? i've emptied code out , ran see if "puts" showed , still gives error.


desc "this task syncs locations." task :sync_all => :environment   puts "syncing all"    all_locations = location.all       all_locations.each |l|       result = googleplacesapi.details(l.google_place_id)       json = json.parse(result.body)       json['result']['reviews'].each |t|         review.find_or_create_by(           authorname: t['author_name'],           rating: t['rating'],           text: t['text'],           relativetime: t['relative_time_description'],           user_id: l.user_id,           location_id: l.id         )       end       l.update_attribute(:synced, true)       tempcount = l.sync_count       count = tempcount + 1       l.update_attribute(:sync_count, count)     end    puts "sync completed!" end 


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