java - Cannot find symbol variable DaggerAppComponent in IntelliJ -

i cloned project , trying build of intellij ide.

it imported succesfully , downloaded necessary dependencies fails when rebuild it.

error:(10, 24) java: cannot find symbol   symbol:   variable daggerappcomponent   location: class com.robohorse.robopojogenerator.injections.injector 

i have tried many threads of stackoverflow didn't work me. gradle or dagger.

buildscript {     repositories {         mavencentral()         maven { url "" }         maven { url "" }         maven { url "" }     }     dependencies {         classpath "net.ltgt.gradle:gradle-apt-plugin:0.9"         classpath "org.jetbrains.intellij.plugins:gradle-intellij-plugin:0.2.0-snapshot"         classpath 'org.kt3k.gradle.plugin:coveralls-gradle-plugin:2.8.1'     } } apply plugin: "java" apply plugin: "idea" apply plugin: "org.jetbrains.intellij" apply plugin: "net.ltgt.apt" apply plugin: "jacoco" apply plugin: 'com.github.kt3k.coveralls'  compilejava {     sourcecompatibility = 1.8     targetcompatibility = 1.8 }  jacocotestreport {     reports {         xml.enabled = true         html.enabled = true     } }  coveralls {     jacocoreportpath = "${builddir}/reports/jacoco/test/jacocotestreport.xml" }  repositories {     mavencentral() }  group "com.robohorse.robopojogenerator" version "1.8.3"  intellij {     pluginname "robopojogenerator"     intellij.updatesinceuntilbuild false     //intellij.localpath = "/applications/intellij idea" }  ext.daggerversion = '2.7'  dependencies {     testcompile "junit:junit:4.12"     testcompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.0.86-beta'      compile "com.intellij:annotations:+@jar"     compile 'org.json:json:20160212'     compile 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'     compile ''      compile "$daggerversion"     apt "$daggerversion"     compile "javax.annotation:jsr250-api:1.0"      compile 'com.fifesoft:rsyntaxtextarea:2.6.0' } 


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