swift - How to repeat and end repeat local notification is iOS 10? -

the system app 'reminder' can set repeat , end repeat, ios 10usernotification.framework not support function. using uncalendarnotificationtrigger push local notification. how can implement repeat , end repeat function? thanks.

let datec = calendar.current.datecomponents([.day, .hour, .minute], from: startdate!)  let trigger = uncalendarnotificationtrigger(datematching: datec, repeats: true)  let content = unmutablenotificationcontent() content.title = "title" content.body = "body"  let request = unnotificationrequest(identifier: testidentifier, content: content, trigger: trigger)  center.add(request) { (error) in     if let error = error {         print(error)         return     }      print("scheduled") } 


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