javascript - Savely hide login information in MEAN app -

i'm building login function application using mean stack. i've got working login using angular ofcourse username , password shown in source it's not save use.

how can block information public?

this login use:

(function() {   var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ui.router']);$rootscope, $location, $state, loginservice) {     $rootscope.$on('$statechangestart',        function(event, tostate, toparams, fromstate, fromparams){            console.log('changed state to: ' + tostate);       });        if(!loginservice.isauthenticated()) {         $state.transitionto('login');       }   });    app.config(['$stateprovider', '$urlrouterprovider', function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) {     $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/home');      $stateprovider       .state('login', {         url : '/login',         templateurl : 'login.html',         controller : 'logincontroller'       })       .state('home', {         url : '/home',         templateurl : 'home.html',         controller : 'homecontroller'       });   }]);    app.controller('logincontroller', function($scope, $rootscope, $stateparams, $state, loginservice) {     $rootscope.title = "angularjs login sample";      $scope.formsubmit = function() {       if(loginservice.login($scope.username, $scope.password)) {         $scope.error = '';         $scope.username = '';         $scope.password = '';         $state.transitionto('home');       } else {         $scope.error = "incorrect username/password !";       }        };    });    app.controller('homecontroller', function($scope, $rootscope, $stateparams, $state, loginservice) {     $rootscope.title = "angularjs login sample";    });    app.factory('loginservice', function() {     var admin = 'admin';     var pass = 'pass';     var isauthenticated = false;      return {       login : function(username, password) {         isauthenticated = username === admin && password === pass;         return isauthenticated;       },       isauthenticated : function() {         return isauthenticated;       }     };    });  })(); 


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