xml - JAXB XmlSeeAlso tag not working spring ws -

i consuming web service third party vendor, running strange issue.. jaxb unmarshaller trying instantiate abstract class (aparent) instead of subclass class child2

abstract parent class

@xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) @xmltype(name = "aparent") @xmlseealso({     child1.class }) public abstract class aparent     extends anotherparent {      @xmlattribute(name = "atoken")     protected string atoken;      ....   } 

abstract child 1 class

@xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field) @xmltype(name = "child1") @xmlseealso({     child2.class }) public abstract class child1     extends aparent {  .... get/set } 

concrete - child 2 class

    @xmlaccessortype(xmlaccesstype.field)     @xmltype(name = "child2")     public class child2 extends child1     {      .... get/set     } 

org.springframework.oxm.unmarshallingfailureexception: jaxb unmarshalling exception; nested exception javax.xml.bind.unmarshalexception: unable create instance of child2.class

everything looks fine me, not sure why it's not working


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