Calculating the prorata of employee calls per Business Unit in SQL Server 2014 -
i establishing business rules determine number of active call center agents per 30 minutes intervals.
we have 2 types of agents: billing & technical ops.
we've let billing agents take technical calls, , vice-versa.
i have written following code returns call count per agent, per interval , per call type:
select hagent.[row_date], case when len([starttime]) = 1 '00:00' when len([starttime]) = 2 '00:30' when len([starttime]) = 3 (left([starttime],1) + ':' + right([starttime],2)) when len([starttime]) = 4 (left([starttime],2) + ':' + right([starttime],2)) end thetime, ([logid]) agents, count(hagent.acdcalls) call_count, case when splitmatrix.[business_unit] '%billing%' 'cdn billing' when splitmatrix.[business_unit] '%techops%' 'cdn tech ops' end bunit [kpi_data].[dbo].[dm_cms_hagent] hagent left join [gemdb].[dbo].[t_prd_ref_xagent_agentlist] agentlist on agentlist.asp_raw_cmsid1 = hagent.logid collate database_default , hagent.row_date between agentlist.[asp_raw_start_sdept] , agentlist.asp_raw_stop_sdept , hagent.row_date between agentlist.[asp_raw_start_team] , agentlist.[asp_raw_stop_team] left join [matrix_data].[dbo].[ref_cms_split_matrix] splitmatrix on splitmatrix.split = hagent.split row_date >= '2017-07-01' , [acdcalls] != 0 , (splitmatrix.[business_unit] '%billing%' or splitmatrix.[business_unit] '%techops%') group grouping sets ( (row_date, starttime,([logid]), splitmatrix.[business_unit]), (row_date, starttime,([logid])) ) order row_date desc, thetime desc, [logid] desc
the output looks this:
with agents being unique logid of agent, bunit type of calls taken (when bunit null, it's total number of calls taken agent interval).
from output, calculate active employee count per interval & calls types.
for example, if agent took 2 billing calls & 1 tech ops call, consider 2/3 of agent working billing agent, , 1/3 of agent tech ops agent.
finally group sum of agents ratio per call types, per interval.
i tried using pivot function, without luck.
my expected result this:
any help?
you can use pivot , unpivot on scenario
sample data
create table t_bu (row_date date, thetime time, agents int, call_count int, bunit varchar(20) ) insert t_bu values ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210893,1,'cdn billing'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210893,1,null), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210870,2,'cdn tech ops'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210870,2,null), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210858,3,'cdn billing'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210858,3,null), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210857,1,'cdn tech ops'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210857,1,null), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210849,1,'cdn billing'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210849,1,null), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210832,2,'cdn billing'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210832,1,'cdn tech ops'), ('8/17/2017','9:30',1210832,3,null), ('10/21/2017','10:30',1210857,3,'cdn tech ops'), ('10/21/2017','10:30',1210857,3,null), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210857,3,'cdn tech ops'), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210857,3,null), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210849,4,'cdn billing'), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210849,4,null), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210832,3,'cdn billing'), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210832,5,'cdn tech ops'), ('10/21/2017','12:30',1210832,8,null);
sql query (dynamic)
declare @cols nvarchar(max), @query nvarchar(max) set @cols = stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(case when t.bunit null 'total' else t.bunit end) t_bu t -- use table name xml path(''), type ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'') set @query = 'with t_comp (select row_date, thetime, sum(cast([cdn billing] float)/cast([total] float)) [cdn billing], sum(cast([cdn tech ops] float)/cast([total] float)) [cdn tech ops] (select agents, row_date, thetime, ' + @cols + ' (select agents, row_date, thetime, case when bunit null ''total'' else bunit end bunit, call_count t_bu -- use table name ) x pivot (max(call_count) bunit in (' + @cols + ')) p ) group row_date, thetime ) select row_date, thetime, call_type, active_agents t_comp unpivot (active_agents call_type in ([cdn billing], [cdn tech ops])) u' execute(@query) go
row_date thetime call_type active_agents 2017-08-17 09:30:00.0000000 cdn billing 3.66666666666667 2017-08-17 09:30:00.0000000 cdn tech ops 2.33333333333333 2017-10-21 10:30:00.0000000 cdn tech ops 1 2017-10-21 12:30:00.0000000 cdn billing 1.375 2017-10-21 12:30:00.0000000 cdn tech ops 1.625
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