shinyapps - How do i sequentially enable tabPanel in tabBox for a given sidebarMenu in shiny Dashboard -

how sequentially enable tab given menu item? have sidebar menu mentioned below , each menu bar, have few tabs within tab panel. let want enable tab "create data package" on click of gobutton in parameter & settings

    sidebarmenu(         menuitem(           "a",           tabname = "ca",           icon = icon("dashboard")         ),         menuitem(           "b",           icon = icon("th"),           tabname = "po",           badgelabel = "new",           badgecolor = "green"         )       ) 

and menu item ca , po, body is

 body <- dashboardbody(          tabitems(tabitem(       tabname = "ca",         tabbox(selected = "parameter , setting",           id = "tabset1",           width = "1000px",           height = "650px",           tabpanel(             "parameter , setting",             column(               6,               selectinput("select1", "select portfolio definition analysis", c(portfoliodef$portdef))             ),             column(               6,               dateinput("date6", "select reporting date:", startview = "decade")             ),             fluidrow(               column(                 6,                 align = "center",                 offset = 3,                 actionbutton("gobutton", "create data package"),                 tags$style(                   type = 'text/css',                   "#button { vertical-align: middle; height: 50px; width: 100%; font-size: 30px;}"                 )               )             )             ),           tabpanel("create data package",                     div(style="display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; width: 250px;",                      selectinput("varx", "select categorical variables x - axis", c(catvarx$varx))                    ),                    div(style="display: inline-block;vertical-align:top; width: 500px;",html("<br>")),                    div(style="display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; width: 250px;",                      selectinput("vary", "select categorical variables y - axis", c(catvary$vary))                    ),                    multicollab,                    fluidrow(                          column(width = 6, radiolab),                      column(6)                    )                    )             )             ),         tabitem(tabname = "po", h2(           "widgets tab content"         )))) 


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