c# - Shopping cart displays records twice -
problem when same item added cart again display same record of same product twice, here want when press add cart button twice or 3 time should increment quantity of same item.
protected void addtocartbutton_click(object sender, eventargs e) { if (con.state == connectionstate.open) { con.close(); } con.open(); sqlcommand cmd = con.createcommand(); cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text; book_id = convert.toint32(request.querystring["book_id"].tostring()); cmd.commandtext = "select * book book_id = " + book_id + ""; cmd.executenonquery(); datatable dt = new datatable(); sqldataadapter sda = new sqldataadapter(cmd); sda.fill(dt); foreach (datarow dr in dt.rows) { //book_id =convert.toint32(dr["book_id"]); title = dr["title"].tostring(); //quantity = dr["quantity"].tostring(); quantity = quantitytxt.text; price = dr["price"].tostring(); } //restrict user enter quantity wants... if(convert.toint32(quantitytxt.text)>convert.toint32(quantity)) { errormsglbl.text = "please enter lower quantity"; } else { errormsglbl.text = ""; } // creating cookies store value , assign data table... if (request.cookies["shoppingcart"] == null) { response.cookies["shoppingcart"].value = book_id.tostring() + "," + title.tostring() + "," + quantity.tostring() + "," + price.tostring(); response.cookies["shoppingcart"].expires = datetime.now.adddays(1); } else { response.cookies["shoppingcart"].value = request.cookies["shoppingcart"].value + "|" + book_id.tostring() + "," + title.tostring() + "," + quantity.tostring() + "," + price.tostring(); response.cookies["shoppingcart"].expires = datetime.now.adddays(1); } response.redirect("bookdetails.aspx?book_id="+book_id.tostring()+"&cat_id="+viewstate["cat"]+""); }// end add cart button...
problem lies in else block
response.cookies["shoppingcart"].value = request.cookies["shoppingcart"].value + "|" + book_id.tostring() + "," + title.tostring() + "," + quantity.tostring() + "," + price.tostring();
here assigning previous cookie value new cookie along new content. e.g. if have "1, shoe, 1,25" in cookie , add same product cart again "1, shoe, 1,25| 1,shoe, 1,25".
this problem can solved multiple approaches
- split cookies , check book_id value
- use object store cart item , save them in session.
approach first
string[] carts = request.cookies["shoppingcart"].value.split("|") bool bookidexists = false; foreach(string cartdetail in carts) { string bookid = cartdetail.split(",")[0]; if(bookid == newbookid) { bookidexists = true; } } if(!bookidexists) { //add new item cookie }
second approach
public class cart { public int bookid {get; set;} public string title {get; set;} public int qty {get; set;} public decimal price {get; set} } list<cart> carts =session["cart"]==null? new list<cart>(): session["cart"] list<cart>; var existingcart = carts.where(x=> x.bookid==newbookid).firstordefault(); if(existingcart==null) { cart c= new cart { bookid = newbookid, title =newtitle, qty = newqty, price =newprice }; carts.add(c); session["cart"] = carts; }
you may come better approach solve problem.
but terrible idea use cookie store cart details.
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