c# - Something about Unity SDK of Google tango project -

i have questions google tango development on unity 3d.

first, script named tango application in tango manager perfab doesn't has enable area learning option. don't know how use unity how-to guide: area learning.

then, use tango camera prefeb follow guide "the motion tracking" , "the depth perception", phone screen appears double image phone's pose , position changes.

my unity edition 5.2.1 f1, visual studio edition 2017, , jdk , android sdk latest. device lenovo phab 2 pro.

this because developpers have modified prefabs in last 2 versions of tango unity sdk (gankino , ikariotikos).

if @ code of tangoapplication.cs, find lines 115-116:

[formerlyserializedas("m_enableadfloading")] public bool m_enableareadescriptions = false; [formerlyserializedas("m_enablearealearning")] public bool m_areadescriptionlearningmode = false; 

so 2 fields need use, apparently can't set them editor anymore, need set them code:

//for example findobjectoftype<tangoapplication>().m_enableareadescriptions = true; 

regarding camera prefab, grouped 2 prefab used have 1 single tango camera prefab. according this post, need enable tangoarscreen component of prefab make work properly.


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